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Levin: Obama Presidential Library Foreign Wing In Kenya; College Records Hidden

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  • Levin: Obama Presidential Library Foreign Wing In Kenya; College Records Hidden

    Levin: Obama Presidential Library Foreign Wing In Kenya; College Records Hidden

    Birther Report



    Mark Levin: Obama pResidential Library Foreign Wing In Kenya; College Records Hidden

    Although Mark Levin is anti-Birther he let loose today. Levin asked if Obama's presidential palace a.k.a. library will have a foreign wing in Kenya. Also said Obama's college records remain locked behind a fortified safe.

    AUDIO ...:
    ( Audio via Mark Levin )

    Politico reports: Obama library planning push moves into next stage

    The team responsible for helping Barack Obama build his presidential library moved into the next stage of planning on Thursday, as his foundation put out a request for institutions and other entities to indicate their interest in hosting the library.

    The Barack H. Obama Foundation, launched in late January, “envisions a library that reflects President Obama’s values and priorities throughout his career in public service, including expanding economic opportunity, inspiring an ethic of American citizenship, and promoting peace, justice, and dignity throughout the world,” it said in a statement. The foundation is also hoping “to build a facility that will cultivate a strong relationship with the surrounding community and be an anchor for economic development.” [...] Continued @ Politico.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    " WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES " hope and pray there is never a library , school , building , street or any other edifice bearing the hated name of a Kenyan born impostor named obama . WE would approve a port - a - potty , garbage dump or outhouse with that name , where one could go and take a barak and wipe our obum , using some of the 2200 ++ pages of the ' unaffordable health care atrocity ".

