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Terrorist Ties: Obama Presidential Library Foundation Removes Hussein From Name

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  • Terrorist Ties: Obama Presidential Library Foundation Removes Hussein From Name

    Terrorist Ties: Obama Presidential Library Foundation Removes Hussein From Name

    Birther Report



    NY Daily News @ Free Republic: Obama's presidential library foundation drops (Hussein) 'H' from name

    Initially Obama’s library was called the Barack H. Obama Foundation, but this week the non-profit dropped the “H” — that refers to Obama’s middle name Hussein.

    Obama’s half brother, Abon'go Malik Obama, operates a bare bones website for the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to remembering their late father.

    The Virginia based 501(c)3 organization only had $24,496 in total expenses, with the bulk of money going toward rent, according to the latest 990 form for 2010.

    “We were not very successful this year because of limited contributions,” Abon'go Malik Obama stated on the tax form. [...] - Continued @ NY Daily News. Commentary @ Free Republic.

    NY Daily News commenter ALC 583 notes: Funny how libs do these things when it's politically advantageous. What a slap in the face to Muslims everywhere. A Ripley's Believe-it-or-Not museum is the only appropriate place to display his college records, birth certificate, Social Security card, Draft Registration card and "I Love America" button. [...]

    The Barack H. Obama Foundation is a charity organization founded by President Barack Obama's half-brother Abon'go Malik "Roy" Obama. In the past, the organization has come under fire, even prompting an official IRS investigation. According to its website, the mission of the organization is to provide a wide range of development and humanitarian programs for impoverished Kenyans. However, there is little evidence of the charity's actual accomplishments.

    Obama's half-brother Malik Obama has been placed on Egypt's TERRORIST WATCH LIST for funding ACTS of TERRORISM - through "The Barack H. Obama Foundation" - the shady non-profit organization that operated illegally for years - until IRS official Lois Lerner "personally" granted its tax-exempt status - within less than Thirty days, also back-dated it by THIRTY-EIGHT Months.

    Lois Lerner is also the IRS official behind Obama's IRS Targeting of Conservatives and Tea Party organizations, delaying tax-exempt status for YEARS, while Obama made use of US Govt agencies to harass and intimidate people and their businesses - behind Conservatives and the Tea Party organizations.
    Lois Lerner as a Top IRS official assisted Obama to obstruct money being raised by Conservatives and Tea Party organizations - accommodating Obama to manipulate the elections in the USA - by stalling and delaying tax-exempt status for TP groups -

    while Lois Lerner as an IRS official accommodated Obama to fund TERRORISM - in giving "immediate" tax-exempt status to Malik Obama and Lois Lerner giving the appearance of legitimacy to Malik Obama's shady non-profit organization, that operated illegally for years = "The Barack H. Obama Foundation" - when Malik Obama is known on the world stage as a War Criminal and for providing Material Support to TERRORISTS - for their ACTS of TERRORISM.

    Obama's half-brother Malik Obama is wanted for prosecution of the trial of Mohammed Morsi - held as a TERRORIST - on Conspiracy charges when Morsi was conspiring with "foreign" Leaders - and their co-conspirators - to commit ACTS of TERRORISM against the people of Egypt = Morsi was "ousted" as President of Egypt - by the Egyptian Military - for his vicious ACTS of TERRORISM - w The MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD - trying to force the people of Egypt under Sharia Law through VIOLENCE.

    Morsi amd The Muslim Brotherhood was being funded by Obama's half brother Malik Obama through "The Barack H. Obama Foundation".

    The Egypt Human Rights organization has been gathering signatures - to petition the INTERNATIONAL CRIMES COURT - to have Obama held accountable for his direct and indirect involvement in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY against the people of Egypt - when Obama was funding Mohammed Morsi and The Muslim Brotherhood, while burning down all Christian Churches in Egypt, slaughtering Christians, terrorizing Christians to force them to leave their homes, and to hold Obama accountable for LYING, falsely accusing Coptic Christians for the "ousting" of Mohammed Morsi as President of Egypt. [.] ALC 583 @ NY Daily News.

    BR/ORYR: Completely understand why Team Obama would drop H(Hussein) from the Foundation name. Wouldn't want people to be confused with his Islamic Terrorist brother Malik Obama's Foundation.

    Shoebat Foundation reports: Malik Obama Scandal BLOWING UP in Egypt; U.S. Embassy behaving like Three Famous Monkeys

    Recently, Dr. Sadek Raouf Ebeid, whose articles we have published in the past, appeared on a prominent Egyptian television program for nearly 20 minutes to discuss the case of Malik Obama. While there has essentially been both a mainstream and conservative media blackout in America on this scandal, it has captured the attention of tens of millions of Egyptians.

    Here is an edited, shorter version of the intervies – with subtitles – between Ebeid and Al Kahera we Nas:

    [...] ( Video at link )

    During the interview, Ebeid challenged the U.S. Embassy in Egypt to dispute any of the four allegations he brought forth. In the live interview, hosted by a very well known newscaster in Egypt, Dr. Naeela Emara, Ebeid was asked to lay out the allegations. Emara adopted Ebeid’s public challenge, herself calling on a spokesman from the Embassy to make a statement in response to Ebeid’s claims.

    Ebeid’s allegations were as follows:

    That President / General Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan is classified by the current White House and State Department as an enemy combatant and was denied an entry visa to the U.S. for posing a threat to America’s national interest and its homeland security.
    Malik Obama works for one of Al-Bashir’s largest organizations.
    Ebeid referred to the Military Commissions Act (MCA) of 2006, amended in 2009. This law deems anyone who provides an enemy combatant with material support, qualifies as an enemy combatant himself, even if he did not pick up arms against the U.S. himself. This would make Malik Obama an enemy combatant.
    Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) was granted 501(c)(3) status to collect money from unwitting U.S. taxpayers, under false pretenses (EIN# 262461343). This status was granted by former IRS official, Lois Lerner. Both Ebeid and Emara highlighted the fact that the BHOF received its status on a Sunday (June 26, 2011). In the interview, Emara sarcastically stated that Lerner obviously, “…opened the office on a Sunday morning to give Malik what he wants.”

    [...] Continued @ Shoebat Foundation.



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    Freeper Squawk 8888 sums it up the best: Well, a lot of people have been wanting Obama to get the H out.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman