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NH State Rep sent a letter to the local paper questioning Obama’s IDs

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  • NH State Rep sent a letter to the local paper questioning Obama’s IDs

    NH State Rep sent a letter to the local paper questioning Obama’s IDs

    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    Former state House Rep. Harry Accornero (R-Laconia) had a letter to the editor published in the Laconia Daily Sun last week accusing the Obama family of being “totally made up:”

    Who are the Obamas? I for one do not believe the Obama’s are a real family.

    Are the Obamas married? Is Michelle really a Michelle or a Michael? Are the girls really their daughters? Why is Obama’s records sealed? Why doesn’t anyone remember him from college? Why is there no original birth certificate? Where are his old girlfriends or boyfriends? People, this is a totally made up family.

    Accornero went on to accuse the media of being a co-conspirator in a plot to “bring this communist into power.” He wrote, “They made America believe that if we did not vote for a black American we were racist, and we swallowed it hook, line and sinker.”

    Accornero’s letter will come as no surprise to those who followed his antics in the House.

    In 2011, Accornero made headlines when he threatened the chair of the state’s Ballot Law Commission. Accornero accused Chairman Brad Cook of treason after the commission denied his attempt to keep President Obama off the ballot for the 2012 presidential primary. His partner in the scheme, Birther Queen Orly Taitz, described the action:

    Everybody jumped to their feet. They were screaming and yelling and saying, “Traitors! You’re traitors! You have no decency! You have no honesty! You’re committing treason!” It was huge. Cameras were rolling, and they had to call security. (Rep.) Harry Accornero started yelling at to the chair of the committee and the corrupt attorney, and the attorney, Brad E. Cook, said, “Representative Accornero, you are out of order.” And Accornero said, “No, you are out of order; you are committing treason. You have to face the people of the state of New Hampshire, and you better not get out of the house without a mask!”


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    HARRY ACORNERO is just now announcing what WE have known for more than 5 years . We hope the rest of AMERICANS will wake up and learn the truth .

