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Entire Congress now receiving important documents including Articles to IMPEACH OBAMA

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  • Entire Congress now receiving important documents including Articles to IMPEACH OBAMA

    BREAKING! Members of both houses of Congress begin receiving copies of documents demanding the resignations of six top government officials including Articles of Impeachment against President Obama




    From the American Spring Headquarters

    Effective April 8, 2014

    America Demands 'Administrative Revisions'

    At nine o'clock, the morning of April 8, Members of both houses of Congress began receiving copies of documents demanding the resignations of six, top government officials, including Articles of Impeachment against President Obama, for violating their oath of office, and/or by committing high crimes against the state, and requiring Congress to enforce the demands, or be held accountable.

    This bold move is only the second time in our nation's rich history such a demand has been made to relieve our oppressed and abused people from an egalitarian, corrupt, and unresponsive regime.

    As polls and water cooler conversations continue to reflect America's resistance growing stronger against administration policies and actions in flagrant violation of the Constitution and our Bill of Rights, it is clear something must change. We have only two options: surrender to totalitarian rule by Marxist ideologues, or enforce our American ideals and principles.

    So who has the boldness to make such declarations? None other than the American People; Citizens, constituents, just us 'folks', demanding to be heard. Standing up as our spokesman is retired Army Colonel Harry Riley, who feels compelled to act by the pervasive litany of illegal legislative and administrative actions, compounded by the Administration's rebuff last October of WWII veterans just trying to pay their respects to their fallen comrades at an open air memorial (paid for by their blood and treasure) in their nation's capital.

    "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." --Declaration of Independence

    Operation American Spring (OAS – is modelled after Arab Spring, Ukrainian Spring, and other successful, popular, and massive demonstrations against oppressive bureaucracies. The one distinguishing characteristic of OAS over other regime-altering events is our Founding Documents: the Declaration of Independence — which clarifies such a change in government as our duty; and the Constitution—which not only allows such change, but provides the process by which the change may take place in a peaceful and civil manner.

    Although OAS has set the bar high, 10 to 20 million Americans committed to reform our government under Constitutional constraints, there are indications they may well reach, perhaps, even exceed their goals. Another key factor that differentiates OAS from previous attempts to reach the deaf ears of our Administration is that OAS leaders are committed to stay in DC until their demands are met. And in the face of those who claim that even if those numbers are achieved, there is no way our corrupt leadership will comply with the People's demands—one only has to witness the Arab and Ukrainian movements—where they turned out their corrupt and incompetent usurpers without the benefit of Constitutional validation.

    Which brings us to one point no one can deny: The People outnumber their administrators, and regardless how much control the ones at the top seize, they always fall—always have, always will. It only matters how much pain they are willing to inflict on the People, and how much pain our 'leaders' are willing to bear themselves, before they collapse.

    The entire package was delivered to all 535 members of congress. Further details to be released Friday.

    Effective April 8, 2014
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    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-10-2014, 07:30 PM.
    B. Steadman