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Japanese PM: Obama Likely Not Born In United States; Not Eligible To Be President

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  • Japanese PM: Obama Likely Not Born In United States; Not Eligible To Be President

    Japanese PM: Obama Likely Not Born In United States; Not Eligible To Be President

    Birther Report



    Japanese Parliament Member: Obama Likely Not Born In United States; Not Eligible To Be President

    UK's Daily Mail reports: Japanese MP who was angry that Michelle didn't join president on Tokyo trip makes extraordinary claim that Obama CHEATS and their looming divorce is 'an open secret'

    Kazuyuki Hamada, a member of the upper house of Japan's parliament, is miffed that Michelle Obama is staying home as her husband tours Japan

    He claimed on his blog that a marital rift is responsible for the president's stag trip to Tokyo

    Mrs. and Mrs. Obama, he wrote, have already decided to divorce after he leaves office – a claim mirroring one in the National Enquirer

    Hamada claims Michelle Obama knows her husband is cheating on her and using the Secret Service to hide the evidence

    He wrote a 2009 'birther' book titled 'Who is Obama?' that argued the president likely wasn't born in the United States

    A prominent Japanese politician has raised hackles as Barack Obama visits Tokyo by claiming it's an 'open secret' that he and the first lady are headed for divorce, and that the president has been using Secret Service agents to cover for him as he pursues extramarital affairs.

    Kazuyuki Hamada, who sits in the upper house of Japan's parliament, earned his PhD a half-mile from the White House at George Washington University, and emerged as a shrill commentator on America's economy and foreign policy.

    In 2009 he also joined the ranks of the so-called 'birthers,' arguing in a book titled 'Who is Obama?' that the president likely wasn't born in the United States.

    But it's his more recent writing that's capturing the attention of the international press this week.

    Hamada complained April 5 on his official blog about Obama's decision to visit Tokyo without first lady Michelle Obama in tow. 'His approval numbers are dragging down near 30 per cent,' Hamada wrote, according to an English translation.

    'The president has been criticized for having no visions or leadership to solve domestic and diplomatic problems, some even ridiculing him as the worst president of the postwar era.'

    'The biggest reason – of many – for the collapse of his reputation is his failed relationship with his wife,' Hamada claimed

    'It is an open secret that the pair are already negotiating their divorce, and that they are waiting for his term in office to be over, and then they'll separate.'

    He had stiff words for the impact of the first lady's multimillion-dollar 'goodwill' trips to far-flung places on the taxpayers' dime.

    The Japanese pol claimed that 'if you ask the president, he will tell you, "I can't show my face to the voters after how she's spent so much money".'

    'On the other hand,' Hamada added, 'if you get his wife to talk, she'll tell you: "The president is a pathological philanderer. He uses the Secret Service for this, and has used them to hide evidence that he's a cheater".'

    [...] Continued/Video @ Daily Mail.

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    B. Steadman