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Filed: Strunk v Paterson; British Intel Expert Michael Shrimpton Obama DNA Affidavit

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  • Filed: Strunk v Paterson; British Intel Expert Michael Shrimpton Obama DNA Affidavit

    Just Filed: Strunk v Paterson; British Intel Expert Michael Shrimpton Obama DNA Affidavit

    Birther Report





    Accordingly, I, Michael Shrimpton, Esquire, being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury:

    1. I, Michael Shrimpton, Esquire, am a British Subject and a British Citizen, born on the 9th day of March 1957, with my place of business located at 8 Jusons Glebe, Wendover, in the County of Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom HP22 6PF.

    2. I am a barrister in independent practice, called to the Bar by Gray’s Inn at Michaelmas 1983. I am also an independent intelligence consultant and author, formerly a member of the Adjunct Faculty of the American Military University(AMU), which is accredited to the Department of Defense. I taught at AMU on the Masters in Strategic Intelligence program (since this affidavit is being used in an American court, as a courtesy, I am using American English, or what I fondly imagine to be American usage). My book Spyhunter: A Secret History of German Intelligence was published in England by June Press (Totnes, in the County of Devonshire) on April 15th 2014. Spyhunter is a 711 page intelligence text (see the annexed blurb). I also write a weekly intelligence column for and have had a peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of International Security Affairs, published by the reputable Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). I have participated in JINSA expert panels on counterterrorism in Washington and at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. I was a speaker at both the Intelligence Conference at Crystal City, VA in 2005 and the Intelligence Summit, at the same venue, the following year. Shortly after the Summit concluded the United States Navy were gracious enough to fly me out to the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65) at sea, in a Northrop Grumman C-2A Greyhound, as part of their Distinguished Visitor Program. I am a member in good standing of the Royal United Services Institute and the United States Naval Institute. I was invited to join British Mensa in 2012 and am SIGSec of their Intelligence and National Security Special Interest Group. I attended the launch of the United Kingdom National Defence Association in 2007, am a founder member and a member of their advisory council, which has gone through various guises since being set up (it is a largely honorific post and the council does not meet as a body). A number of former Chiefs of the UK Defence Staff are Patrons of UKNDA, whose main aim is to encourage support for our fighting services and press for an increase in their lamentably low budget, even lower than the Pentagon’s, I am sorry to say.

    3. In 1992 I was appointed a part-time Chairman of the Immigration Appeal Tribunal (IAT) by the then Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, Lord Mackay of Clashfern. The IAT heard immigration appeals from all over the United Kingdom, including Scotland, and the Islands. It was both an appellate and first instance tribunal, with legally qualified chairmen sitting with lay members, usually two. The lay members tended to have military, intelligence or colonial experience, but they came from all walks of life and had varied backgrounds. First instance cases were heard under s.3(5)(b) of the Immigration Act 1971 (Imp.) and consisted of appeals against decisions to deport on the ground that it was conducive to the public good, usually following a sentence of imprisonment for a serious crime, such as narcotics trafficking.

    4. In 1995 I was appointed additionally to serve as an Immigration Adjudicator and Special Adjudicator. Special Adjudicators, now known as Immigration Judges, heard appeals against refusal of political asylum in the United Kingdom. The IAT was abolished not long after I retired from it in 2005. It is right to say that I was prevented from sitting after November 2003 and that when I resigned I was in dispute with the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain and Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs, Lord Falconer of Thoroton QC. This is not the place to go into the rights and wrongs of that dispute, but it flowed from my intelligence work and followed a bad faith complaint in June 2002 to my professional body, the Bar Council, by a Citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran, whom I was advised was connected to their intelligence service, VEVAK. That complaint in turn followed my successful representation of an officer of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who had been instrumental in expanding the CIA’s network inside Iran after the 1979 Iranian Revolution. VEVAK, working with the Iraqi Mukhabarat, were involved in the prosecution of this officer, indeed it transpired that VEVAK had an asset inside the Crown Prosecution Service, E. I was partially responsible for the exposure of E, who was thought to have an Iraqi background but whose family in fact came from Iran. My former client had a distinguished CIA career and was formerly a Lockheed U-2 pilot, indeed he was on the U-2 shakedown program.

    5. I understand that Plaintiff’s intent is to call me as an expert witness, with the leave of the court. I have been asked to make myself available to give evidence in New York on June 18th and 19th 2014. As a courtesy I have supplied copies of my legal and national security resumes to the Plaintiff and they can be made available to the court and other parties. After the failure of an assassination attempt upon me in 1999 I have been subjected to a volley of bad faith accusations, both professional and criminal. These have all either failed or are sub judice at this time. I am content to supply further details if asked, but would respectfully caution all parties that each accusation has involved hostile intelligence agencies, usually GO2, the covert German operation in London set up at the end of World War II, and some have involved fabrication of evidence and tampering with my computer equipment.

    6. At the behest of Plaintiff Christopher Earl Strunk, I understand that I am swearing this affidavit under New York State Civil Practice Law Rules Section 3101(d) as to my expert witness qualifications to testify at the hearing scheduled to be heard before the Honorable David I. Schmidt, Justice of the Supreme Court for the County of Kings, in the above Caption tentatively as consolidated cases.

    7. I am also of the understanding that there is a related case with orders from the New York State Supreme Court for the County of Kings with Index No.: 6500-2011 now with active consolidated appeal cases with No’s: 2012-05515, 2013-06335 and 2014-00297 in the Appellate Division for the Second Department with submission pending the outcome of this matter herein. There is clearly some procedural complexity here and I will not pretend to the court that I have fully understood how the various cases relate to each other, nor the procedural basis for the hearing in June. I comprehend at least this much, that each of the cases turns in part on the question of fact as to whether or not President Barack Hussein Obama Junior was born in either of the hospitals in Honolulu in the State of Hawai’i in which he claims to have been born and the mixed question of fact and law as to whether or not President Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States within the meaning of Article II of the United States Constitution. For the avoidance of doubt, whilst I hold myself out as a constitutional lawyer, I do not pretend to be an expert on the United States Constitution.

    8. To a limited extent I accept that I am also a witness of fact, limited to the specific issue of advice I gave in late 2007 to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency in London, also made available to those very nice people with respect, the National Security Agency, concerning the advisability of a DNA test on then Senator Obama. I also passed on concerns in the UK intelligence community about the Senator's eligibility for the office of President of the United States. The CIA with respect seemed to recognize my expertise within the field. At any rate my opinion was sought, and as an ally I gave it freely, although they paid for the lunch.

    Continued ...:

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    Please see my editorial titled:

    at the link below:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, except Michael Shrimpton

    Obama Conspiracy Theories

    Dr. Conspiracy

    WARNING: Site is not birther friendly


    Christopher Earl Strunk has a lawsuit in progress, at which he would like Michael Shrimpton to testify. The whole convoluted business can be found in a new lawsuit against the Department of State mostly (plus some others).

    According to the complaint in an “Intent to file” motion in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (1:2014cv00995), Strunk sent Michael Shrimpton a round-trip plane ticket for the US so that he might testify for Strunk, but when Shrimpton applied for a visa to visit the US, it was denied. This suit wants that denial reversed. Of course, every visa denial comes with a reason, and in this case it was because Shrimpton was not able to convince the US Consul in London that if the US let Shrimpton in, that he would return home when the visa period ended. Someone seeking a non-immigrant visa to the US has to show significant ties to their home community.

    The Shrimpton testimony seems dubious at best. This is what Strunk wants him to testify to, from an affidavit from Shrimpton (which appears as Exhibit 4 beginning on page 38 of Strunk’s complaint):

    20. To the best of my knowledge and belief the DNA test was done and Senator Obama’s claim to be the son of Stanley Ann Dunham could not be supported. I cannot say to the court that either the CIA or DIA came back to me and said so in terms. I would not expect them to and it would be contrary to good intelligence practice. I would however expect to be told if my advice had led to either agency wasting time or resources, not to mention the cost of a good lunch.

    21. The outcome of the DNA test, as I understood it to be, was consistent with what I knew of then Senator Obama’s background. It was my understanding then, and still is, that he was born in Mombasa in what was then the Kenyan Protectorate, on or about August 4th (sic) 1960. So far as I know that is the internal view of both MI5 and MI6. The President’s claimed father was known to British intelligence in 1960 due to his connection with the Mau Mau terrorist organization. There is evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham went to Kenya in 1960 (sic), that is to say she cannot have been the mother, assuming the intelligence about the birth in Mombasa to be correct.

    Objection, your honor. Hearsay, calls for a conclusion on the part of the witness, irrelevant, incompetent and immaterial.


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

