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Fmr. Breitbart Investigative Journalist Speaks: Obama Born In USA; Leave Me Alone

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  • Fmr. Breitbart Investigative Journalist Speaks: Obama Born In USA; Leave Me Alone

    Exposed: Breitbart Investigative Journalist Proves Birthers Right; Axed By Breitbart!?

    Birther Report



    Exposed: Breitbart News Investigative Journalist Proves Birthers Right; Gets Axed By Breitbart News!?

    The following explains why Charles Johnson no longer writes for Breitbart News and why Breitbart Inc. worked overtime in their quest to discredit those that questioned Obama's constitutional eligibility to be POTUS. Sad.

    Excerpt via Dr. Orly Taitz: Breaking news: secret revealed

    Johnson revealed that early on Andrew Breitbart hired him to disprove birther claims, to show that birthers are lying and Obama is eligible for presidency. Johnson, an accomplished investigative journalist, engaged in extensive research and found that Taitz and others are correct, that birther claims are true, that Obama is indeed a fraud and using all bogus IDs. Johnson went back to Breitbart and other editors of advising them that birther claims are 100% correct and they should write about it. editors refused to write about it as they were afraid of persecutions by the IRS and other government agencies.

    So, Johnson confirmed at a public meeting that, which fashions itself as a political dissident publication, was as complicit in the cover up of the biggest fraud in the US history, as the other main stream media publications, high ranking officials and a number of judges. [...] Dr. Orly Taitz. Hat tip CharlesMountain.

    Charles Johnson Bio: Charles C. Johnson is an investigative journalist and author. He is a contributor to the Daily Caller. Most recently, he is author of Why Coolidge Matters: Leadership Lessons from America’s Most Underrated President (Encounter Books).

    He has written for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, The Los Angeles Times, The New Criterion, The American Spectator, The Claremont Review of Books, City Journal,, National Review Online, Tablet Magazine, The Weekly Standard, Powerline, and The New York Sun.

    His work has been featured on Real Clear Politics, the Drudge Report,, The Blaze,, Rush Limbaugh’s Show, and the Wall Street Journal’s Best of the Web. He has been on Fox News with Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobbs and numerous radio programs, including Larry Elder, John Batchelor, Rusty Humphries, Dennis Prager, Larry Elder, Mark Levin, and Larry Kudlow. [...] Charles Johnson.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Update: Fmr. Breitbart News Investigative Journalist Investigating Obama Background

    Birther Report



    This is an update on yesterday's report exposing Breitbart News Network's cover-up of Obama's ID fraud...

    Excerpt via Dr. Orly Taitz: More revelations from writer Charles C. Johnson

    [shown in the BR post] from the event, writer Charles C. Johnson is standing next to Attorney Orly Taitz

    Press release

    There were a number of questions from readers and supporters in regards to the Republican womens’ event at Riviera country club in Pacific Palisades with author Charles C Johnson.

    Attorney Taitz confirms the prior press release. In presence of at least 20 people at the event Mr. Johnson revealed that indeed he was hired by Andrew Breitbart to try to disprove birthers, however Mr. Johnson did in depth research and confirmed that the birthers are correct, that Obama is indeed using falsified IDs. Mr. Johnson went to Andrew Breitbart and urged publication of this evidence, but was rebuffed.

    Further, Mr. Johnson revealed that his wife is from Indonesia and they did research in Indonesia. Mr. Johnson stated that he researched the school records of Assissi school in Jakarta. Johnson stated that Obama claimed that many students had in their school registration their religion listed as Muslim, that it was not a big deal. Mr. Johnson researched the records and found that only a couple of students in that whole school were listed as Muslim, as it was a Christian school. Obama was one of these couple of students. This shows that adherence to Islam was important for Obama’s step father Lolo Soetoro.

    Moreover, Johnson talked about Obama’s half brother Malik Obama. Johnson repeatedly called Malik, Obama’s alleged half brother. When several women asked him, why do you call him alleged half brother, why are you saying alleged, Johnson stated that he does not believe that they are biologically related and he intends to investigate this matter further. Johnson stated that he is a friend of Joel Gilbert and works with him on this matter. Johnson also went into details into Lois Lerner’s actions relating to approving Malik’ s 501 C3 application . Johnson stated that he forwarded all of the information on Malik’s application and Lois Lerner’s actions to Darrel Issa, he stated that Issa had this information for a year.

    Johnson stated that a number of his relatives worked for CIA and he has contacts with a number of CIA and FBI agents and he has contacts with the police. [...] Dr. Orly Taitz.

    Charles Johnson Bio: Charles C. Johnson is an investigative journalist and author. He is a contributor to the Daily Caller. Most recently, he is author of Why Coolidge Matters: Leadership Lessons from America’s Most Underrated President (Encounter Books).

    He has written for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, The Los Angeles Times, The New Criterion, The American Spectator, The Claremont Review of Books, City Journal,, National Review Online, Tablet Magazine, The Weekly Standard, Powerline, and The New York Sun.

    His work has been featured on Real Clear Politics, the Drudge Report,, The Blaze,, Rush Limbaugh’s Show, and the Wall Street Journal’s Best of the Web. He has been on Fox News with Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobbs and numerous radio programs, including Larry Elder, John Batchelor, Rusty Humphries, Dennis Prager, Larry Elder, Mark Levin, and Larry Kudlow. [...] Charles Johnson.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Fmr. Breitbart Investigative Journalist Speaks: Obama Born In USA; Leave Me Alone

      Fmr. Breitbart Investigative Journalist Speaks: Obama Born In USA; Leave Me Alone

      Birther Report



      This is a follow-up to the first two reports [...] where Dr. Orly Taitz says former Breitbart investigative journalist Charles C Johnson told her he was hired by Breitbart to debunk the Birther claims but found Birthers to be correct and Breitbart News refused to publish his findings. Again, those first two reports here and here.

      On Monday night Birther Report emailed Johnson the following:

      Hi Mr. Johnson,

      Can you confirm or deny the blog posting by Dr. Taitz whereas she claims you were hired by Breitbart News Network to debunk the "Birther" claims and BNN editors refused to publish your findings? [ ]

      If true can elaborate more on this? Is your Obama research available for publication?

      As of this writing Charles C. Johnson has not responded to the email sent on Monday night.

      Tuesday, the blog Little Green Footballs published a hit-piece ridiculing Johnson for his purported claims:

      Former Breitbart Blogger Goes Birther, Tells Orly Taitz Breitbart Is Covering Up the Truth Gotta love it when wingnuts squabble - By Charles Johnson - Little Green Footballs(LGF)

      Meanwhile, in the lunatic right wing Birther community (and yes, it’s a community, and not a small one), a war is breaking out, as crackpot “journalist” Charles C. Johnson (who is NOT ME) visits Birther queen bee Orly Taitz and reportedly reveals a bit of BOMBSHELL BREAKING NEWS: Journalist Claims Breitbart Ignored Obama Eligibility Evidence Out of Fear of Government. (Google cache link to insane Birther site.)


      As a connoisseur of right wing idiocy, it pleases me enormously to see the Birther kooks attacking the Breitbrat kooks. It’s a kook battle! And this also shreds whatever credibility Charles C. Johnson (who is NOT ME) may have had; the guy is a Birther. End of story. [...] Continued @ Little Green Footballs.

      On the same day Little Green Footballs blogger Charles Johnson and Obot Jack Ryan took to Charles C Johnson's Twitter profile inquiring about the Breitbart claims:

      It must be noted that Taitz claims Johnson is working with Joel Gilbert whom believes communist Frank Marshall Davis is Obama's real father and he was born in Hawaii. That could explain Johnson's vague Twitter responses.

      You can contact Charles C Johnson via his Website Here or via Twitter:

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
      B. Steadman

