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US Congressman: Why Doesn’t Obama Have Valid Social Security Number And Valid IDs?

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  • US Congressman: Why Doesn’t Obama Have Valid Social Security Number And Valid IDs?

    US Congressman: Why Doesn’t Obama Have Valid Social Security Number And Valid IDs?

    Birther Report



    CA Congressman Dana Rohrabacher: Why Doesn’t Obama Have A Valid Social Security Number And Valid IDs?
    Tim Brown | Freedom Outpost

    Attorney Orly Taitz has been advancing the issue of Barack Obama's fraudulent documents, including his birth certificate, selective service form and his use of a bogus Social Security number for several years now. She has also thrown her hat into the ring in the primaries for California Attorney General. On Monday, Taitz said that she had three United States Congressmen, including her own Representative, along with voters who specifically asked questions about Obama's bogus IDs. In that meeting, it was Taitz's own Congressman, according to her, who asked the valid question, "Why doesn't Obama have a valid Social Security number and valid IDs?"

    According to Taitz's website, Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher "invited Taitz to attend a meeting of activists and patriots, which was held at his home in Costa Mesa, CA."

    At the meeting, she also addressed Texas Congressman Ted Poe and asked him when Congress would address the issue of Obama's fraudulent and fabricated IDs and stolen Social Security number. According to Taitz, Congressman Rohrabacher said that people who question Obama's legitimacy are called names like "birther," but went on to say, "nobody is answering a legitimate question: why doesn't Obama have a valid Social Security number and valid IDs?"

    It should be noted that the original birthers were not Republicans, nor were they members of the Tea Party. That's right. The original birthers were Democrats, including Bill and Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama's publishers were also birthers, long before the accusation of wearing tin foil hats and being racists against America's first black (illegitimate) president were tossed about. The Kenyan Parliament and even a Kenyan newspaper were birthers before it was cool to be called "birther." Even a document examiner tied to Obama's defense attorneys says that Obama's birth certificate is 100% fraud.

    While Poe said that members of Congress know about the issue and talk about it, he would not give a definitive answer for anything that is being done. Apparently, they all have the same sentiment as spineless Oklahoma Congressman Markwayne Mullins and just "don't give a sh*t."

    Rorhrabacher told Taitz following the meeting, "I do feel bad that people are called names, called birthers. I feel this is a legitimate issue, this question should have been raised and answered long time ago, at the very beginning."

    From Taitz's perspective, she believes the GOP want to try and win the 2014 elections and with that in mind don't want anything to distract from that. So far, the battle is uphill to take six seats in the Senate. Taitz wrote that she agrees that the issue might be best heard on its merits following the November elections.

    I disagree with her on this point. I don't think Congress wants to hear the merits of this issue. Establishment Republicans are scared to death of being called racist over this issue. After all, Sheriff Joe Arpaio took his evidence to the GOP convention in 2012 and where did that go? Nowhere.

    Taitz went on to elaborate about what else took place at the meeting: [...] More @ Freedom Outpost.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman