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Should Barack Hussein Obama Be Tried And Executed For Aiding The Enemy?

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  • Should Barack Hussein Obama Be Tried And Executed For Aiding The Enemy?

    Exclusive: Bowe Bergdahl 'Should Be Charged Without Question'

    Breitbart / Big-Peace

    Jordan Schachtel


    Breitbart News had the opportunity to speak with Bill Roggio, managing editor of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies' The Long War Journal, about the ongoing debacle over the exchange of five senior Taliban commanders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

    Roggio has been praised for being “the best-in-class on situation awareness, especially of the Af-Pak theater.” He was embedded within the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Army as a reporter in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and he also served in the Army from 1991 to 1997.

    He provided Breitbart News with valuable feedback:

    Breitbart News: What is your interpretation of the events that unfolded that led to Bowe Bergdahl’'s capture by Taliban forces.

    Bill Roggio: You may notice that the U.S. military has been completely silent on that; they haven’t released any details. People in the theater I’ve spoken to have said that at the very best, he walked off the base on his own. I have heard that he believed he could live off the land in Afghanistan and had changed into local clothes in an attempt to blend in. I’ve also heard that he may have been coaxed off the base by talking to local Afghan soldiers who were on the base. Nobody in theater has been enthusiastic about Bergdahl’s actions. Nobody believes that he was on a patrol, as he claims. Because he was cooperative in issuing Taliban propaganda tapes, there’s not a lot of love for the guy. There are soldiers who have gone out and tried to save him. Some lost their lives doing so.

    The military needs to tell us what actually happened that day. I doubt they will get to the bottom of it because it's going to contradict the hero narrative that's being put forward by our administration. They are trying to tell us that he’s this heroic captured soldier who survived Taliban custody.

    Breitbart News: Did the Obama administration make the prisoner swap without legal authority?

    Bill Roggio: My understanding is that they were required to give 30 days notification to Congress prior to releasing any detainees from Guantánamo Bay. From everything I can tell, they failed to provide that 30 days notice.

    Breitbart News: Do you believe, as the Obama administration stated, that Bowe Bergdahl's life was in immediate danger?

    Bill Roggio: There is no evidence that I’ve seen or heard that indicates his life was in jeopardy. If his life was in immediate danger, then why would they sit there and conduct negotiations? Officials have publicly said that these negotiations have been in the works for months. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t tell me his life was in danger and we were conducting long-term negotiations at the same time. Show us the evidence that his life was in danger. This information should not be classified anymore. He’s free, so it's not going to harm him. Tell us what the indications were. Was it intelligence? Was it a rumor? Did the Taliban issue a threat? What was it?

    Breitbart News: What’s your take on Robert Bergdahl (Bowe’s father)?

    Bill Roggio: He promoted the Taliban propaganda. He did the bidding of the group that held his son hostage for five years. It's abhorrent behavior, and it's a disgrace to those who gave their lives attempting to free his son. Either way, his actions can’t be rationalized. Just because he’s trying to free his son, it doesn’t also mean that he has to actively promote the narrative of our enemies. No matter what his intent or his beliefs were, it's flat out wrong. It's an affront to those who sacrificed to try and save his son.

    Breitbart News: Should Bowe Bergdahl face charges in a military tribunal?

    Bill Roggio: Absolutely. His actions had consequences. People were killed and wounded because of the actions of Bowe Bergdahl. If anyone goes AWOL (absent without official leave) while in garrison, they’re going to charge you for going AWOL. It happens all the time. He did it in a combat zone, and people get killed and wounded because of it. He should be charged without question.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Should Barack Hussein Obama Be Tried And Executed For Aiding The Enemy?

    Birther Report



    In light of Obama's latest action where, without congressional notification, he traded five top Taliban jihadi leaders for one deserter/traitor should/could Obama be impeached or charged under:

    10 U.S. Code § 904 - Art. 104. Aiding the enemy

    Any person who—

    (1) aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other things; or
    (2) without proper authority, knowingly harbors or protects or gives intelligence to, or communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly;

    shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct. This section does not apply to a military commission established under chapter 47A of this title.

    Likely not! Lucky for Obama he is fully protected by the media and therefore will get away with this travesty.

    At least 14 soldiers were killed trying to find the deserter/traitor and reports are now breaking that the deserter/traitor actually renounced his US citizenship.

    CIA Agent Says These Are The Worst Jihadists On The Planet That Killed Thousands

    For the truth about deserter/traitor Bowe Bergdahl read what his platoon leader and fellow soldiers have to say:

    From an operator that was directly involved in the attempted recovery of Bowe Bergdahl!

    "Here is what I know, not from hearsay, but because I was there. Bergdahl became a sympathizer, walked off his post to seek out the Taliban in order to join their ranks, to help and live with them. In exchange for his release, the United States released the following 5 known Taliban; Khairullah Khairkhwa, Mullah Norullah Noori, Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mohammed Nabi who were immediately welcomed back into the Taliban network. The Taliban are currently seeking the release of additional prisoners, but will not state specifics. Now that they have the blue print on how to accomplish this by simply capturing an American soldier and with the troop number drawing down to 9,800+, I can only hope our service men and women keep their heads on a swivel."

    Much more at the Bowe is a Traitor Facebook page here:

    Including a comment from a military wife of a wounded soldier that was deployed to look for the deserter/traitor:

    "Meet my husband, injuries directly brought to you by the actions of this traitor. He can't give an account of what went down, because he can no longer speak. Now, which guy is a 'hero' again?!? Sick."

    - Facebook -

    Drudge Report has much more:

    Qatar allowing released Taliban men to move freely in country...
    Reintegration: Military hides Bergdahl from public view...
    FLASHBACK: 'Converted to Islam And Taught Captors Bomb Making Skills'...
    NYT: Left note explaining desertion before going AWOL...
    Wanted to Renounce American Citizenship...
    Death sentence 'in the realm of possibilities'...
    Pentagon knew whereabouts but didn't risk rescue...
    14 SOLDIERS WERE LOST Searching for Bergdahl...
    Never Officially Listed as POW...
    Former fed prosecutor: Release of terrorists impeachable offense...
    White House apologizes for 'oversight' in notification failure...
    FATHER: 'I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners'...
    Anger explodes...
    Obama Saved A Rat?

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-03-2014, 11:40 PM.
    B. Steadman

