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Must Hear: Caller Confronts Dinesh D'Souza Over Obama Felony ID Fraud Cover-Up

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  • Must Hear: Caller Confronts Dinesh D'Souza Over Obama Felony ID Fraud Cover-Up

    Must Hear: Caller Confronts Dinesh D'Souza Over Obama Felony ID Fraud Cover-Up

    Birther Report



    Caller confronts Dinesh D'Souza over Obama felony ID fraud cover-up on the Howie Carr show...

    AUDIO ...:
    ( Audio via WRKO )

    Caller: I'm even concerned about coverups in the so-called conservative media... Yourself included... Who refused to acknowledge the truth that we have a criminal forger in the White House who's documents are forged... everybody knows... even Republicans in congress know it but nobody has the courage to scream the truth. That we have a man with no birth certificate who lied about it committed criminal forgery from which there would be a federal prison sentence. Has a Social Security Number that belongs to somebody else... And had a forged draft card.

    Dinesh: I was at the Kapiolani hospital in Hawaii... I've chased down these things and of course I've seen the stuff out there on the Internet. Some of it is more believable some of it is clearly wrong. There's online a certificate that says that Obama was born in Mombasa... that's clearly wrong and a forgery... So, look, at this late stage in the game it is just whistling in the dark or naivete to believe that we can somehow get Obama out of office. This is the hope of the desperate... it's much more effective to say look there's a reason why people voted for him. We need to wake people up to who he really is and what his policies look like. So we can actually yank him out of there and get somebody else who's not like him.

    Carr: We all agree we have to wake up the American people... I just don't see you offering concrete solutions...

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman