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Real POW: Will There Be Justice; Contrasting LTC Terry Lakin And Bowe Bergdahl

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  • Real POW: Will There Be Justice; Contrasting LTC Terry Lakin And Bowe Bergdahl

    Real POW: Will There Be Justice; Contrasting LTC Terry Lakin And Bowe Bergdahl

    Birther Report



    Will There Be Justice? Contrasting LTC Terry Lakin And Bowe Bergdahl
    By Jeff Lichter

    The question is not whether or not Bowe Bergdahl will be court martialed for his military crime of deserting his assigned post as LTC Terry Lakin was for refusing his assignment to Afghanistan.

    First, let’s run through a basic contrast of the records of these two men in terms of Susan Rice’s pronounce-ment that Bergdahl served the US with “honor and distinction.” This description more than reminds us that she is the same one who went on five Sunday talk shows to blame the Benghazi tragedy on the video but more importantly, she actually would have been correct this time had she been describing LTC Lakin as having served with honor and distinction. Bergdahl of course had NO record of any prior achievement, NONE.

    As we all know, LTC Terry Lakin was an 18 year fully decorated officer who had the lofty career achievement of having served as the chief Flight Surgeon to General George Casey during the Iraq war. When Terry decided that he had an obligation as an officer to question the legitimacy of his orders to report to Afghanistan, he was court martialed and sentenced to 6 months in prison at Ft. Leavenworth, a sentence which he served.

    LTC Lakin was NOT trying to escape serving in Afghanistan. He just wanted Barack Obama to demonstrate that he was a legitimate Commander in Chief by issuing a valid birth certificate. After being ignored on this question up and down his military command, he wrote to Obama directly at the White House and politely asked that Obama show valid evidence of this. After not having received any reply, when Terry was again ordered to report for duty and with his birth certificate, he conclusively decided that he could not do this in good conscience.

    Second, now let’s look at the comment made by Judge Denise Lind during the court martial when she denied Terry his due process rights by not allowing him to submit any evidence on his own behalf including but not limited to supporting statements written on his behalf by famous retired Generals Thomas McInerney and Paul Vallely. Lind’s unbelievable comment was “to do so might be embarrassing to the President.” Not only is this comment even more outrageous than Susan Rice’s comments about the Benghazi “video” and Bergdahl having served with honor and distinction, those who want justice for Bergdahl need to fear that this will turn out to be the reason that Bergdahl is never court martialed and just allowed to return to the US period.

    What a shame if that turns out to be true.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    A sure sign Obama's in really big trouble this time

    American Thinker

    Thomas Lifson


    Oh-oh, the Bergdahl deal is blowing up in Obama’s face like an Acme brand cigar lighted up by Wile E. Coyote. It’s gotten so bad that even NBS News and its kid brother MSNBC have had it with the BS. Evan McMurray of Mediaite:

    The Obama administration’s chief reasoning for sidestepping congressional notification in the prisoner swap for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was concern over the captive’s deteriorating health. But after a video — released by the TalibanWednesday morning but not yet confirmed by the Pentagon — showing Bergdahl’s transfer into American custody, NBC News Chief Pentagon Correspondent Jim Miklaszewski said onMorning Joe Bergdahl appeared on film to be in fine health.

    “What struck me first about this video is he appears to be in remarkably good shape, at least physically,” Miklaszewski said. “Don’t know how he is psychologically. He’s clean-shaven. He appears to be somewhat robust, had no trouble walking to the helicopter. He did appear subdued. After five years of captivity, one could only imagine.”

    NBC News calling BS on Obama! When have we ever seen that before? Mik going out of his way to drive home the point.

    And Susan Rice is treated with near contempt:

    “But, you know, the White House over the weekend trotted out now-National Security Adviser Susan Rice one more time to the morning shows and she said the reason that the White House did not give the thirty-day notification before releasing those five GTMO detainee was because of Bergdahl’s health, that if they would have waiting another thirty days, it would have been too late,” Miklaszewski said. “Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) yesterday contested the White House claims, saying she has seen no evidence that Bergdahl’s health was failing.”

    “Trotted out”!
    .................................................. ..

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

