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Congress Visits Birther Report: Mad World News; We Have No Legitimate President

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  • Congress Visits Birther Report: Mad World News; We Have No Legitimate President

    Congress Visits Birther Report: Mad World News; We Have No Legitimate President

    Birther Report



    Excerpt via Mad World News: Forget About The Birther Argument, We Have No President!

    If we take a close look at the long form birth certificate provided by (pictured on the right), you will find one strange thing that is the “smoking gun” that all these lawyers, law enforcement, experts, and legal gurus have been searching for, and I always wondered why they didn’t realize it instead of trying to prove this is a fake. Barack Hussein Obama Sr. never was a US Citizen. Even if you want to go the birther route, BHO’s father never was a US Citizen. Neither was his adopted father. He was not born to two parents that were both US Citizens.

    Now if you are thinking that surely this would have more legal definition then that, turns out there is. There are a total of four US Supreme Court cases that define what it means in the US Constitution to be a Natural Born Citizen.
    • The Venus-12 US 253 (1814) – the natives or indigenous are those born of the country who’s parents are citizens.
    • Shanks v. Dupont (1830) – for children born in a country, continuing while under age in the family of the father, partake of his national character as a citizen of that country.(which kinda adds a twist saying that if he practiced his father’s nationality, which he did, he would be a British subject. Has he ever revoked his British citizenship?)
    • Minor v. Happersett ( 1875) – children born (in this case a woman) where both parents are citizens are natural born citizens of the United States.
    • US v. Wong Kim Ark (1898) – children born to parents who are both US Citizens are in turn defined as natural born citizens.

    There has not been any other Supreme Court case to try to define Natural Born Citizen. There hasn’t had to be. The Supreme court made a decision on it four times, and all four times it agreed with the US Constitution. In order to be a Natural Born Citizen, you had to have two parents that were also citizens of the United States. For the lawmakers to say that the definition by the Constitution is too vague so they need to make a law usurping the Constitution is illegal. Its an unlawful order. You can not change the Constitution without amending it through the ratification process.

    Unfortunately for Barack Obama, that also means that he is a usurper. He can not hold the title for president, nor was he eligible for the office according to the US Supreme Court and the US Constitution. This is even further compounded when you have to stop and wonder if he ever revoked his Indonesian or British Citizenship, which would make him a foreign national that usurped the Presidency. By arresting him as a usurper, unlike impeachment, it makes all executive orders he made null and void. It also makes all laws he signed during the time in which he said he was President null and void. All treaties signed, same thing.

    There is also bad news for any member of congress, like Nancy Pelosi, who vetted the usurper as president. That makes them guilty of conspiring to usurp the government. Yes, that means they would be wanted under suspect of TREASON.

    What I want to know is where the ACLU and ACLJ are on this? Where are the lawyers fighting this instead of the birth certificate? Why do we keep beating a loosing battle when the answer has been in front of us the whole time? Why don’t we put together a class action suit about this? This is also something that both Republicans and Democrats, Birthers and Liberals, can get behind as long as they still believe in the US Constitution. Has anyone wondered why, other then his total disregard for law, he wants people to think the Constitution is flawed?

    Now, I have seen poster after poster of calling the Sgt. of Arms in the Senate at (202) 224-2341 . Truth is that the Sergeant of Arms is only responsible for Congress and can not arrest the president unless the House voted to impeach. He can however arrest the people that illegally vetted a usurper, and as it turn out, many of them, like Dianne Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi, are still there. We can always call him and say we want them arrested for possible treason. If he will do it or not, I don’t know, but it would keep him busy and is his job.

    As for the Usurper, well there is plenty that people can do that does not result in bloodshed or violence. I’ll have more on that later. Meanwhile, spread the word. It’s not every day we find out that everyone was right but just not looking in the right place. We the People have a phone and a pen as well to get the message out. We also have the internet. Let us know what you think about all this in the comments below. [...] Continued @ Mad World News.

    @Brandon Walker of Mad World News; Your route regarding natural-born Citizen has already been attempted by other Patriots to no avail. The courts say it is congress's job and congress says it is the courts job. But, have at it!

    And, to clarify your statement regarding the Sergeant at Arms, Andrew Willison. He does in fact have the authority to arrest and detain any person violating any Senate rules, including the a President of the United States.

    Per the U.S. Senate website: Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper
    As chief law enforcement officer of the Senate, the Sergeant at Arms is charged with maintaining security in the Capitol and all Senate buildings, as well as protection of the members themselves. The Sergeant at Arms serves as the executive officer of the Senate for enforcement of all rules of the Committee on Rules and Administration regulating the Senate Wing of the Capitol and the Senate Office Buildings and has responsibility for and immediate supervision of the Senate floor, chamber and galleries. The Sergeant at Arms is authorized to arrest and detain any person violating Senate rules, including the President of the United States. [...]

    I'm sure one could find one or two rules or procedures violated by Obama a.k.a. Soetoro. Rules can be found here.

    P.S., They all know Obama is a big fat fraud whether he's eligible or not, which he most likely is not eligible...

    As noted by their frequent visits to Birther Report:


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman