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Former DOJ Attorney J. Christian Adams Addresses Birther Issue, Impeachment, Alinsky

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  • Former DOJ Attorney J. Christian Adams Addresses Birther Issue, Impeachment, Alinsky

    Former DOJ Attorney J. Christian Adams Addresses Birther Issue, Impeachment, Alinsky

    Birther Report



    Former DOJ Attorney J. Christian Adams Addresses Birther Issue, Obama Impeachment, Alinsky Tactics


    ( Audio via Don Smith Show )

    J. Christian Adams Website:

    Don Smith Website:


    Former DOJ Attorney
    J. Christian Adams
    Blog Talk Radio

    Former Dept. of Justice attorney J. Christian Adams joins me to discuss the latest news on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner exchange. Michael Cutler spent over 30 years as a special agent in the INS. Michael will be here to talk about the impact our current approach to securing our borders is having on the children making the journey to America. Energy policy expert Brigham McCown returns to discuss the recent EPA proposals, and how they will impact the American people. Of course we'll cover all the latest political news as well. Tune in Saturday at Noon ET, or listen to the archive at your convenience.

    The Don Smith Show "where it’s ok to be a conservative," brings you the most in-depth coverage of all the latest political news. While the liberal media currently dominates the airwaves, now there is an alternative. Listen to The Don Smith Show every Saturday at Noon ET to hear great interviews with people like Ted Nugent, Col. Allen West, Charlie Daniels, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Pat Boone, Chuck Woolery, Ben Shapiro, Jon Voight, Deneen Borelli, NRA President Jim Porter, Victoria Jackson, and many more leading conservatives.

    Don Smith is a business executive, and fiscal conservative. As seen on Fox News, CBS, PBS, Next Generation TV, and heard on various syndicated radio broadcasts around the country, "The Don Smith Show" takes the complex issues facing this nation and breaks them down in an easy to understand format. Tune in every Saturday at Noon ET for all the latest political news.

    AUDIO ...:

    The Don Smith Show

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman