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Obama’s Arrest of The Benghazi Suspect Is A Proven Scandal --

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  • Obama’s Arrest of The Benghazi Suspect Is A Proven Scandal --

    Obama’s Arrest of The Benghazi Suspect Is A Proven Scandal

    Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack



    Last summer when CNN reporter Arwa Damon interviewed Ahmed Abu Khattala, the suspect behind Benghazi attacks (whom Obama just arrested) was freely roaming the streets in Libya without any concern for being picked up. Now the timing of the news of his arrest should be cause for skepticism.

    Here’s why.

    What is unknown by many in the western media is that Khattala’s role was with groups connected to Abu Obayda Bin Aljarah Brigade (and F17MB), the very group the Obama Administration assigned to and entrusted to watch over the U.S. embassy.

    It was Ansar al-Sharia that prompted the attack and is actually made up of former members of Abu Obayda Bin Aljarah Brigade and the February 17 Martrys Brigade (F17MB).

    F17MB even proudly displays the al-Qaeda banner on its facebook page:

    And Khattala was once a leader in the same Al-Jarrah Brigade whose members co-mingle with F17MB to form none other than Ansar al-Sharia (See here and here). Here is an excerpt:

    Ahmed Abu Khattala was a commander with the group that attacked the Benghazi compound. He had also been a leader in the group charged with protecting the compound.

    Witnesses said they saw vehicles with the Ansar Al-Sharia logo at the scene of the attack, and that Ansar al-Sharia commander Ahmed Abu Khattala was present. Khattala was once the leader of Al-Jarrah Brigade, which formed the February 17 Martyrs Brigade.

    As we maintain in our “Ironclad Report”, in order to get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi on the night of September 11, 2012, a serious look to the east – in Egypt – is required, especially since the State Department itself conceded an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks when it identified the Jamal Network as a terrorist organization has reported on extensively. And in sworn Congressional testimony, ARB Chairman Thomas Pickering seemed to inadvertently admit an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks. It is believed he was referring to the Jamal Network here: has done extensive work on Jamal’s much lesser known but perhaps even more dangerous partner in crime, Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm. This is a terrorist figure most Americans have never heard of before. This is likely due – at least in part – to the fact that Al-Azm was trained by the U.S. Air Force and appears to have been a key figure in the Benghazi attacks. He was certainly implicated in the June 2012 bombing of the SMC building at the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi from a video clip we obtained from these terrorist sources (start at 2:30):

    Who is Khattala? has written somewhat extensively about Ahmed Abu-Khattala [...]

    There is no disputing the fact that Khattala was at the scene of the Benghazi attacks and that he is an Ansar al-Sharia commander who was involved. There is also no disputing his close connections to the terrorist group the U.S. State Department put in charge of security of the SMC – F17MB.


    Khattala’s interview with Damon as part of a CNN special hosted by Erin Burnett came just as the IRS and Benghazi scandals were dogging the Obama administration last year. It was in the days after both Obama and Carney referred to them as “phony scandals” that CNN suddenly had the bombshell report ready to go, as chronicled in great detail.

    Burnett’s canned special in addition to a couple of other distractions at about the same time – A separate CNN news report of a bogus CIA scandal and on the same day, reports began to surface that U.S. Embassies all across the Middle East would be closing due to terror threats. This too smacked of suspicious timing and contrivance. Obama bemoaning the “phony scandals” known as Benghazi and IRS and recently, the VA scandal, the Bergdahl swap, the ISIS march on Mosul, and news of a lame excuse that Lois Lerner’s emails have been lost in a computer crash have been compounding Obama’s problems.

    So why not attempt to neutralize all of those troubles with the announcement that a top Benghazi suspect had been arrested and is on his way to the U.S?

    Conveniently, this figure has been roaming free and giving interviews to media entities like the AP, Reuters, Fox News and CBS for nearly two years without consequence and all before Damon sat down with him last year!?

    In much the same way that questions about Bowe Bergdahl’s loyalty to his country blew up in Obama’s face, coupled with the latter’s elevating what appeared to be Bowe’s Taliban-sympathizing father in the Rose Garden, there at least exists the potential for something similar to happen relative to Khattala, whose background demonstrates how incestuous the relationships are between terrorist groups. The Administration’s failure began to show when the Administration approved The February 17 Martyrs Brigade (F17MB) to be responsible for providing security for the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi. The Obama Administration was intentionally deaf when in testimony before the House Oversight Committee last year, whistleblowers Gregory Hicks and Eric Nordstrom explained, but the decision was final and was not to be re-litigated:

    In their exchange with Rep. Blake Farenthold, both Hicks and Nordstrom explained that F17MB were connected to the very terrorists F17MB were contracted to help protect Americans from:


    View the complete article, including links, photos and videos, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    The Manufactured Return of Obama ‘The Hero’

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    Calls for the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama must come from the crazy. That’s not just how Obama wants it, but even more importantly, that’s how those who placed him in power planned it.

    When Obama was installed, (and ‘installed’ he was), he arrived sacrosanct from impeachment. Indeed, he was purposely designed during manufacture to beat the future rap of impeachment: You can’t impeach a man who isn’t there.

    Adding to the Nightmare of 2008 Come True, America has no president, or more correctly, no longer had one after Jan. 20, 2009.

    What real president would, in the space of a few weeks, both release five top Taliban terrorists after first trying to convince the masses that all enemies had been vanquished, and then flood the southern American borders with tens of thousands of illegal minors, some ridden with infectious diseases and then go on to honour illegal aliens in a White House ceremony?

    The game called the Fundamental Transformation of America is a mug’s game for many reasons, but most of all because it was deliberately set up as a game from which there is no possible relief.

    “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad” Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius (Boswell’s Johnson, 1783), suits the day in which we all live.

    Moving through time as the original Man Who Isn’t There, the man in the Oval Office, is essentially also the man who’s never there.

    ‘Gone Fishin’ used to be the phrase for ducking duty. Now it’s ‘Gone Golfin’.

    ‘The Man Who Isn’t There’ is like the missing Lois Lerner emails linking the administration with the rabid IRS campaign against the Tea Party. Before the end of that boondoggle, the case will be made that the emails were never there in the first place.

    ‘The Man Who Isn’t There’ weaves and bobs in and out of our lives at will. Now you see him, now you don’t. The only real proof he’s really there comes by way of the Friday Dump.

    ‘The Man Who Isn’t There’ actively tries to apply the same ‘not there’ status on the US military by erasing it off the map. With a wave of his magic wand, he made a military that was never in Iraq and intends the same magic act for Afghanistan.

    The world first became aware of the self-named Barack Obama when he was introduced as a rock-star figure at the Democratic National Convention, but that was only the introductory image they chose for him. It was a legend whose time had come, and one guaranteed to be bought up by the celebrity-seeking pop culture.

    Getting out of the horrors wreaked on the masses by ‘The Man Who Isn’t There’ would require his DNA.

    But with the NSA, the CIA, the FBI et al his toy soldiers, who will bring forward DNA proof against the Joker of All Time?

    The watching world is about to see a replay of ‘The Man Who Isn’t There’ in the follow through of captured “Benghazi suspect” Ahmed Abu Khattala.

    “Ahmed Abu Khattala had returned home Sunday night after a day of militia skirmishes in Benghazi when U.S. military commandos swarmed his residence south of the waterfront city and took him captive, quickly moving him out of Libya to a U.S. warship.” (Washington Post, June 17, 2014)

    “Benghazi attack suspect to face 3 criminal counts, could carry death penalty,” is the headline on Fox News.

    “Could” carry death penalty is Mars away from getting it.

    Those pointing out that it will be two years after the Benghazi scandal on Sept. 11, 2014, and that Ahmed Abu Khattala was there all along within easy access of the mainstream media, will be quickly written off as conspiracy theorists.

    The first revelation from Khattala’s New York trial will be his vociferous claims that he was incensed by the same Innocence of Muslims video used as cover by the administration up to his oh-so-convenient ‘capture’.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

