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Liberty University V-President Says House Should Investigate Commie Obama's ID Fraud

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  • Liberty University V-President Says House Should Investigate Commie Obama's ID Fraud

    Liberty University V-President Says House Should Investigate Commie Obama's ID Fraud

    Birther Report



    Liberty Council President Mat Staver Says House Should Hold Hearings On Commie Obama's Felony ID Fraud

    President and General Counsel of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver, says communist/islamist sympathizing Obama is the most anti-American ROTUS ever. Staver first was asked about Sheriff Arpaio's investigation into Obama's bogus identity documents. He says Congress could and should hold impeachment hearings over that and other issues.

    AUDIO ...:
    ( Audio via Right Wing Watch )

    Right Wing Watch reports: Mat Staver Suggests House Birther Investigation Into 'Communist' Obama

    In a “Crosstalk” interview with VCY America’s Vic Eliason this week, Liberty Counsel chairman Mat Staver suggested that Congress launch an investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate.

    “I think Congress certainly has the ability to do some investigation,” Staver said to a “Crosstalk” listener. “The problem that we have with the birth certificates is that the courts have really not given a full healing to some of those things because they have not granted most people’s standing, or the right to sue as individuals. I think Congress would certainly have that capability, at least at nothing else to conduct hearings.”

    Staver also said that Congress should be “proceeding with impeachment” of the president over the purported scandals surrounding Benghazi, the IRS and the return of Sgt. Bowie Bergdahl.

    He charged Republican lawmakers with falling asleep on the job: [...] Continued @ RWW.

    Welcome Aboard, Mr. Staver!

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman