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Joan Rivers refuses to apologise for claiming Michelle Obama is ‘a transgender’

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  • Joan Rivers refuses to apologise for claiming Michelle Obama is ‘a transgender’

    RAW: Drudge Report Goes There; Joan Rivers Shock; Obama Gay, Michelle A Tranny

    Birther Report



    VIDEO ...:
    ( Video via Gossip Cop. @ Drudge Report )

    Mara Zebest Opines: UPDATE TO Drudge report that Obama is Gay and Michelle is a Tranny

    As an update to below headline.... it should be noted that on numerous occasions... Obama refers to himself as the Bear... which is Gay Slang as noted .... Below are two examples of Obama referring to himself as the Bear.... Obama calls himself the bear? Note at the :55 second marker...

    VIDEO: Raw VIDEO: The president takes a surprise walk - "The bear is loose!"

    ( Video via White House)

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    My Comment:

    I did a Google search at 6:50 pm, 7/4/2014, for the phrase, in quotes - "michelle is a tranny" and got 28,600 hits.

    I repeated the same Google search at 10:55 am, 7/6/2014 and got 136,000 hits.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-06-2014, 02:55 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    THERE IS A MAJOR EXPOSE ' on youtube , by a woman and a man , showing the obvious signs that obummer is married to a QUEER sheboy / ladyboy / transexual male . The predominant features are : Adam ' s apple , broad shoulders , bulge in the crotch , and the hands . In a woman ' s hands , the ring finger and index finger are the same length . In a man , s hands , the ring finger is longer than the index ( pointer ) finger . This alone is reason enough to indict , arrest and remove them both from our capitol and WHITEHOUSE , plus deny the bastard a lifetime pension .


    • #3
      Joan Rivers Suggests Obama’s Gay; Calls Michelle a ‘Tranny’


      Andrew Kirell


      Comedian Joan Rivers has never really been afraid to offend people, and she clearly knew that when she made these remarks about President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

      The octogenarian comic was approached by a cameraman in New York City and asked: “Do you think the United States will see the first gay president or the first woman president?”

      Her response: “We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down.”

      She continued: “You know Michelle is a tranny.”

      The cameraman clarified: “I’m sorry, she’s a what?”

      “A transgender,” Rivers replied. “We all know it.”

      Her use of the word “tranny” is what has generated the most controversy. As the Advocate wrote in response to the video: “Conservatives have long made jokes insinuating that the first lady is actually a transgender woman, but it’s not often that a liberal-minded comedian — let alone one who credits much of her success to her devoted LGBT fan base — make this type of uninspired joke.”

      View the complete article, including video, at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Joan Rivers refuses to apologise for claiming Michelle Obama is ‘a transgender’

        Pink News

        Nick Duffy


        Joan Rivers has refused to apologise for the joke Joan Rivers has refused to apologise for the joke
        12 reader comments

        Joan Rivers has scoffed at calls to apologise after she claimed that President Barack Obama is gay and his wife Michelle is “a transgender”.

        The 81-year-old comedian caused controversy earlier this week, after appearing at a book signing in New York and officiating at the wedding of two gay fans, when she was asked whether she thought the US would ever see a gay president.

        Responding, she said: “We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down.”

        “You know Michelle is a tranny”, she adds, and when asked to clarify, she says the first lady is “a transgender, we all know.”

        Refusing calls to apologise, she said in a statement to CNN: “I think it’s a compliment. She’s so attractive, tall, with a beautiful body, great face, does great makeup.

        “Take a look and go back to La Cage Au Follies [sic]. The most gorgeous women are transgender.

        “Stop it already… and if you want to talk about ‘politically correct’, I think this is a ‘politically incorrect’ attack on me because I’m old, Jewish, a woman and a ‘hetty’ – a heteosexual… and I plan to sue the reporter who, when he turned off his camera, tried to touch me inappropriately on the ass – luckily he hit my ankle. Read the book… if you think that’s silly, wait [until] you see what I say about FDR and Eleanor!”


        View the complete article, including photo and video, at:
        B. Steadman

