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Impeaching Obama for Tyranny: The Only Way to Salvation -- Canada Free Press

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  • Impeaching Obama for Tyranny: The Only Way to Salvation -- Canada Free Press

    Impeaching Obama for Tyranny: The Only Way to Salvation

    Canada Free Press

    Kelly OConnell


    Centuries ago, just after America won its War of Independence versus King George III, two Europeans giants again battled over liberty versus tyranny. This struggle between Britain and France certainly involved military control of the Continent. But it was also a fight which would determine the nature of global commerce and religion.

    Horatio Nelson, history’s greatest admiral battled Napoleon Bonaparte, most acclaimed general of the age. Nelson believed he fought for Christianity, free trade and liberty. Contra, Napoleon openly stood for atheism, tyranny and a globally directed economy. Symbolically, Napoleon never blinked at death and carnage, believing victory justified any human sacrifice.

    Today, centuries later, Americans and the world face a similar struggle for liberty, capitalism and religious freedom, unbelievably under America’s own deranged POTUS. First, Barack has committed acts which have made defense of America’s most sacred rights harder. The rights Thomas Jefferson so memorably outlined in the beginning of his immortal Declaration of Independence:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    To state the obvious, all of Obama’s horrifically ill-advised decisions cannot be a coincidence. Therefore, Barack must be removed before he does even worse. This will be achieved by patriotic Americans, via impeachment, or some other removal strategy, based upon Anglo-American doctrine called Resistance Theory, once used to break off ties with England during the American Revolution. Yes folks, it has come to that!

    Or, as John Locke observed:

    For when the people are made miserable, and find themselves exposed to the ill usage of arbitrary power…The people generally ill treated, and contrary to right, will be ready upon any occasion to ease themselves of a burden that sits heavy upon them. They will wish, and seek for the opportunity, which in the change, weakness and accidents of human affairs, seldom delays long to offer itself.

    I. Obama is Committing General Treason Through His Actions

    The argument of this essay is that Barack Obama is committing treason through his actions, inaction and statements, because they are designed to cripple America and force us into involuntary socialism.

    A. Tiny Summary of Obama’s Recent Screwups

    A few things to note here. First, as the commander in chief, Barack is supposed to uphold the Constitution and all the laws of the land, and yet he regularly flouts the law. Second, Obama is to especially protect the rights of Americans, specifically those in the Bill of Rights, and most supremely those mentioned in the Declaration—Life, Liberty, and Property (Happiness).

    Third, internationally, Barack is a one-man wrecking crew. The smug martinet helped cause the Middle East to become a tinderbox through his bizarre decision making. Meanwhile, he inexplicably shrinks the military. Fourth, Obama has helped make a sieve of the border, as tens of thousands of illegals pour across the border, daily—quickly whisked to the kinds of accommodations America’s homeless could only dream of. With a 94% crossing success rate, logic dictates some of these must be Islamic militants. Our economy is contracting, never recovering after 7 years of recession. American energy policy is a joke, with the government attempting to shutter coal production, and undermining the Keystone Pipeline. Meanwhile, the government itself is spying on and clamping down on everyday Americans. And the hits just keep on coming!

    So, Barack must be held accountable by removal as soon as possible.

    B. Treason: Aiding & Abetting

    Treason is defined by as:
    1. The offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
    2. A violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state.
    3. The betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

    Technically, Treason is measured under US law by whether a person is aiding the enemy during war. But even by that marker, Obama aids Al Qaeda and the Taliban by unreasonably reducing American presence in the Middle East, and thereby helping a terrorist state to arise. Further, he released 5 top Taliban generals without a rational reason, thereby aiding their war against America.

    In every important sense, Barack has fulfilled the above definition. The best possible defense of his actions is that, in his utter brilliance, he knows that the US must suffer a revolution so as to enter into a new golden age of socialism or Marxism. But certainly that is unreasonable, to say the least.

    C. Obama’s Actions Obviously Subvert America

    The obvious problems with the idea of Barack being a noble and selfless Marxist revolutionary, out to save the world are innumerable. First, Obama swore to uphold out Constitution when he entered office. Therefore, regardless of his motivations, he has rejected his oath, and therefore is a scofflaw rebel, and must be removed. Second, the entire premise of America is based upon liberty, including economic freedom. Socialism, by its very nature, demands economic subjugation of the populace, and so could never work here.

    Third, if Barack wanted to make an argument that Marxism offers a better life, on the whole, for Americans, he could have done this before unilaterally acting out to sabotage us. Instead, working as a rogue, he is obviously attempting to undermine and destroy the US Constitution. Therefore, Obama is engaged in rebellion against the foundation of the American government, the legal system, society, history, our Founders, and the broad opinion of the US population. In other words, Barack is fostering an enormous act of sedition and revolt every bit as abominable as Benedict Arnold’s and Aaron Burr’s and so must be stopped by any legal means available.

    D. High Treason

    Has Barack committed High Treason? The Heritage site states:

    High treason involved a breach between subject and sovereign, a betrayal of (or neglect of duty or renunciation of allegiance to, in word or deed) a sovereign to whom a subject owes allegiance by birth or residence. Sir Edward Coke, Baron de Montesquieu, Sir Matthew Hale, and Sir William Blackstone considered treason the highest of crimes and declared that it must be precisely defined to prevent its abuse by governmental authorities.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman