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Licensed PI's Battle For Justice Over Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number

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  • Licensed PI's Battle For Justice Over Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number

    O'Reilly Busted: Licensed PI's Battle For Justice Over Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number

    Birther Report



    Politics: A Two-Headed Rattlesnake
    Susan Daniels | FSM

    I used to believe we had a two-party political system. I was delusional. I got a good smack of reality on September 4, 2012, as I stood in front of a Republican judge in a rural county of Ohio. The treatment would have been no different with a Democrat on the bench. I was there because I had filed a lawsuit against the Republican Ohio Secretary of State, John Husted, in an effort to keep Barack Obama off the ballot in November 2012.

    There is a good reason why I filed it.

    I believe that Barack Obama is a fraud and a liar. I am neither. I discovered the truth about Obama five years ago as I was investigating his questionable background for a client. I am a licensed private investigator in Ohio and have been for more than twenty years. Of the approximately eight hundred investigative companies here, a couple dozen are owned by women. I belong to that small group.

    I also belong to the subsets that include widows, septuagenarians, mothers of seven, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, holders of master's degrees, paralegals, notary publics, those of Irish ancestry and my favorite of all: certified write-in candidates for President of the United States. But I digress.

    As a licensed investigator I have access to information that others don't. As I began my investigation into the background of Barack Obama, I expected to find nothing. After all, he was already installed as president, even though never vetted by anyone.

    His rush to spend our money didn't sit well with me, and I pushed on after encountering multiple dead ends. Suddenly, there it was! A social security number (SSN), assigned to Obama, popped up which I immediately recognized as fraudulent. It was a number issued in 1977 in Connecticut and could not be Obama's.

    Until June 2011, SSNs were issued to the address where a person lived when he or she applied for their number and in the state where he or she resided. I have looked at thousands of SSNs, which is why I recognized the discrepancy immediately. I also knew after years of experience how the numbers were distributed across the country.

    The first three numbers for social security cards in Connecticut run from 040-049. Hawaii's numbers, where Obama was living in 1977 when the number was "allegedly" issued to him, was fifteen years old, in high school and hanging around with his dope smoking friends.

    The first three digits of SSNs for Hawaii are 575 and 576. Maya Ng, Obama's half-sister, has an SSN number starting with 576. Why did Obama's come from Connecticut?

    With the information uncovered, I compiled a stack of documents, some from databases that investigators can access and some from public records. Obama was using 042-68-4425 as his social security number, starting in 1986.

    When I tried to verify the SSN that Obama uses, I found that, while his date of birth appeared, the records also showed a birth year of 1890 for the person to whom the number was actually registered.

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) would not help me concerning the number Obama uses, but I gathered information about the SSNs of people whose numbers fell close to Obama's. If a person is deceased, his or her information is no longer private and (theoretically) cannot be withheld by the government.

    I obtained documents from the SSA about the number immediately before his number which is 042-68-4424 and one ending in 042-68-4435. Both were issued on March 28, 1977. I then ran all the numbers from 042-68-4415 to 042-68-4435 and they all were issued on that same date.

    I have a newspaper article showing a picture of Obama on the junior varsity basketball team at Punahou in February 1977 and a photo with his "Choom" pals in 1979 holding a graduation cake. It will take more than a little convincing that he moved to Connecticut to get his SSN in March 1977.

    I discovered the same Connecticut social security number for him with the Massachusetts driver's license bureau in 1989 and on his 2009 tax return (someone from his administration carelessly posted it online in such a way that the SSN was revealed).

    I also found the Connecticut SSN number for him on old cell phone bill records I was legally able to access. And while it showed an August 4,1961, birthdate for him, it also intermittently showed he was born in 1890.

    By 2012 I had my fill with Mr. Obama. (It is against the law to use a stolen social security number and Obama's pal, Bill Ayers, bragged about his own ability to steal numbers in his book Fugitive Days.)

    When articles appeared about my findings, a number of efforts were made to discredit my work. FOX's Bill O'Reilly even attacked the Connecticut number when it was questioned by a listener. O'Reilly was incorrect when he said that Obama's father lived in Connecticut for a couple of years and could have acquired it for Jr. The next day that portion of O'Reilly's podcast was scratched and O'Reilly was off his show for several days.

    Others claimed it was a typographical error. Ironically, Hawaii zip codes start with 968 and Connecticut codes start with 068. However, Obama lived only in zip codes in Hawaii of 96814, 96822 and 96826. Calls to the Connecticut Post Office confirmed that there never was an 06822 or 06826 zip code in Connecticut. There was an 06814. However, an employee at the Danbury Post Office told me that 06814, which went into use in 1983, was a "unique" number and used exclusively by Union Carbide Corporation.

    It took three months to prepare the lawsuit. The complaint is eighteen pages long, but there are an additional eighty-three pages of supporting documents. A trusted friend helped me write the complaint for the lawsuit, which was filed Pro Se (by me, not by an attorney); unfortunately, I could not afford to hire an attorney.

    More than a hundred and thirty lawsuits had already been filed against Obama, all based on his eligibility as a citizen. My lawsuit is the only one that addressed the phony SSN. Most of the other cases were dismissed immediately based on "lack of standing." To overcome that, I filed to become certified as a write-in candidate for president by the Republican Ohio Secretary of State, Jon Husted. The day after I received Husted's congratulatory letter, I sued him in Geauga County, Ohio, Common Pleas Court for the following reason:

    The Ohio Secretary of State has the right to reject Obama's petition under [ORC 3501.09 (2)] "A written protest against the position or candidacy, naming specific objections, is filed, a hearing is held...." In other words, the Secretary of State could have rejected Obama's petition. All that was necessary to win my civil suit was a "preponderance of the evidence," meaning that I demonstrate my allegations with convincing proof of 51% to 49%. Which I can do in spades.

    No one from the Secretary of State's office showed up for the September 4, 2012, hearing, nor did they even call the court to say they weren't coming. I should have won by default. I lost because of a judge who played the role of the missing defense attorney. [...] Continued @ Family Security Matters.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman