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Fox News: Lawless Obama Out Of Control; Difficult To Constrain; Constitutional Crisis

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  • Fox News: Lawless Obama Out Of Control; Difficult To Constrain; Constitutional Crisis

    Fox News Panel: Lawless Obama Out Of Control; Difficult To Constrain; Constitutional Crisis

    Birther Report



    Fox News Panel: Lawless Obama Out Of Control; Violated Constitution; Difficult To Constrain Obama

    The Obama defending lefties on Fox News Sunday were forced to play the race card during an explosive panel discussion about Obama's lawlessness and whether the Obama impeachment talk is fo real. Heritage Action CEO Michael Needham pulverized Obama and mopped up the floor with Juan Williams. Full segment is a must see.

    VIDEO ...:
    ( Video via Fox News Sunday @ Fox News. )

    Partial transcript via Mediaite @ Gateway Pundit: AWFUL. FOX News Panel Discussion of Impeachment Erupts Into Charges of Racism

    Democrats Ron Fournier and Juan Williams ganged up on Michael Needham from Heritage Action.
    Mediaite reported:

    Both National Journal editor Ron Fournier and Williams called out Michael Needham for calling Obama “lawless.”

    “You listen to Michael and you understand why lots of Republicans think [Obama's] a demon,” Williams said. “Lots of people in the minority community see it as an attack against the first black President. They think it’s unfair, and so it’s gonna spur their turnout in the midterms, which is going to be critical in several races.”

    “If you just break it down as a matter of political analysis and say who is this group [calling for impeachment], it reminds me that the Republican Party has become almost a completely white party,” Williams continued. “The people who want him impeached are all white, they’re all older, and guess what — they’re all in the far right wing of the Republican Party.”

    “He might as well have just said they’re all racists,” Needham objected. “That’s ridiculous….You’re the one demonizing people who are concerned about the fact that we have a crisis of Constitution.”

    “Look, we can have a principled argument about President Obama’s actions and use of executive actions, but you called him lawless, as if he’s an outlaw, as if he’s riding the range and we gotta go get that guy,” Williams said. - [...] Mediaite, Gateway Pundit.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-04-2014, 12:27 PM.
    B. Steadman