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FF Unloads On Lawless Obama; Not Held Accountable; Confirmed Obama Born In Kenya?

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  • FF Unloads On Lawless Obama; Not Held Accountable; Confirmed Obama Born In Kenya?

    The List: FF Unloads On Lawless Obama; Not Held Accountable; Confirmed Obama Born In Kenya?

    Birther Report



    Freedom Friday: Our government has not been held accountable for their illegal and rogue actions. How much can they get away with? Until they're held accountable for something they can do anything. We still don't know where Obama was born. MSNBC anchor absolutely confirmed on the air declaring Obama was born in Kenya.

    Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Jeff Sessions, Senator John McCain, Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Mike Lee, Representative Paul Ryan, Representative Randy Weber, Representative Marsha Blackburn, Ambassador John Bolton, Heritage Action CEO, Forbes Magazine, National Review Online, Real Clear Politics, Fox News, Christian Post, Wallbuilders, Daily Signal, Rush Limbaugh, and George Will all have declared Obama lawless.

    AUDIO ...:
    ( Audio via Carl Gallups @ WEBY )

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman