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Fox News Military Analyst Lt. Col. Bill Cowan; Obama May Not Be Legitimate President

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  • Fox News Military Analyst Lt. Col. Bill Cowan; Obama May Not Be Legitimate President

    Video: Fox News Military Analyst Lt. Col. Bill Cowan; Obama May Not Be Legitimate President

    Birther Report



    Video: Fox News Military Analyst Lt. Col. Bill Cowan Goes Birther; Obama May Not Be Legitimate President

    Gerri McDaniel: Bill Cowan is a FOX News Channel contributor and internationally acknowledged expert in the areas of terrorism, homeland security, intelligence and military special operations.

    In addition to being a FOX News Channel contributor, Cowan has been an invited guest on CBS's 60 Minutes; CNN's Larry King Live and Crossfire; ABC's Prime Time and 20/20; PBS's Frontline; and BBC's Panorama. He is also the principal subject of a Discovery Channel segment about the Kuwait hostage rescue operation.

    ( Video via Gerri McDaniel. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. )

    Excerpts via Leftist Media Matters: Fox News Military Analyst Goes Birther: "We May Not Know For Another 100 Years" If Obama's "Legitimate"

    Fox News contributor Bill Cowan told a tea party gathering that "we may not know for another 100 years" if President Barack Obama is a "legitimate" American and suggested he lacks "a real, legitimate birth certificate."

    Cowan was speaking before the Myrtle Beach Tea Party (SC) on August 11. A flyer for the event claimed attendees would "learn the facts about what is really going on in the world today and the direct impact it will have on our lives!" [...]

    Cowan's August 11 tea party speech veered into the long-debunked territory of Obama's birth certificate during the question and answer portion when an audience member referenced things on "the Internet" and whether Obama is a "legitimate American." Cowan replied by going birther:

    AUDIENCE MEMBER: My question is -- more and more coming up on the Internet, daily. Is this man a legitimate American? Is he a legitimate president? And I don't think so, that's my personal opinion.

    COWAN: You may be right. You may absolutely be right. And here's part of the issue. Is he legitimate? We don't know and we may not know for another 100 years. But the problem is we're living in the real world right now, and the real world is he was sworn in to be our president. And even if tomorrow somebody found a real, legitimate birth certificate from somewhere else that said he couldn't be our president, the legal process to push that through and get him out would far exceed the rest of the time he has in office. That's the problem we're facing so we're stuck with the guy but here's the point that I liked that you make me remember. That no matter what our complaints are about him, no matter what he does right or does wrong, mostly wrong, he's not running for office again. So at the end of the day it doesn't matter. Doesn't matter, because we're going to be electing someone else next time and if we're not careful, it's going to be Hillary Clinton. We're going to be right where we are now. [...] Media Matters.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman