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Society cannot blame ‘The Little Man Who Wasn’t There’ -- Canada Free Press

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  • Society cannot blame ‘The Little Man Who Wasn’t There’ -- Canada Free Press

    Society cannot blame ‘The Little Man Who Wasn’t There’

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    "The biggest sea change that came in with Barack Obama is one never mentioned. The biggest change is the one that opened the floodgates for 21st Century crime. In an era where identity theft thrives, Obama’s 2008 capture of the White House unofficially ‘legitimized’ the Fine Art of Assumed Identity.

    For lack of documentation it has never been proven otherwise that the President of the United States of America operates under an assumed identity, and if the President of the United States of America can operate under an assumed identity, then why can’t petty thieves, rapists and murderers operate with the same privilege?

    In all manner of things, knowing beyond the proverbial shadow of a doubt that someone really is who he says he is, is everything for survival on any even playing field.

    Detectives who solve crimes, including heinous murder, scientists working in labs to improve life for the masses, depend on facts to draw their conclusions.

    When Barry Soetoro, who changed his name to Barack Obama gained entry to the White House, there was another big change. It can be summed up thus: Presidents no longer needed to be presidential, just to act presidential.

    Nor do we really know whether it really was Barry Soetoro who became Barack Obama, only that that is what he told us in a book.

    The two books, Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope helped create the public perception of Barack Hussein Obama, and now The Road We’ve Traveled, a 17-minute video narrated by Tom Hanks, is part of the public perception gig.

    Promos for the video directed by Davis Guggenheim tout The Road We’ve Traveled as a ‘coming together of Hollywood and Washington’, which couldn’t possibly be more apt. For if nothing else, Obama’s administration is a coming together of Hollywood and Washington, albeit a nightmarish coming together.

    Today it’s Hollywood hanger-on Tom Hanks; yesterday it was George Clooney there for Michelle Obama to sit beside at a state dinner for Prime Minister David Cameron and Halloween 2009, a secret Alice in Wonderland-themed party with Johnny Depp.

    Obama has a lot in common with the Hanks, Clooneys and Depps who come down from their silver screen adulation to tell the great unwashed how to vote: They are all fed lines. Hollywood stars by their directors, Obama by whomever whispers to him what to say on his TelePrompter."

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    B. Steadman