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Bonkers: Media Darling Obama Says He Needs Vacation From Press; Remove Him Under 25th

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  • Bonkers: Media Darling Obama Says He Needs Vacation From Press; Remove Him Under 25th

    Bonkers: Media Darling Obama Says He Needs Vacation From Press; Remove Him Under 25th

    Birther Report



    Bonkers: Media Darling Obama Says He Needs Vacation From The Press; Doing Really Well!?

    Obama is off his rocker. He says he needs a vacation from the news media and his team of communist and jihadist sympathizers are governing really well. Oh, and he also says part of his presidency is theater. Sort of like the news media aiding and abetting Obama's felony identity document fraud? He can't handle a complicit lapdog news media? Insanity. Maybe Obama should be removed under the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?

    ( Video via NBC News. Full softball interview here. )

    Partial transcript via NBC News @ Gateway Pundit: After Saying “I Should’ve Anticipated the Optics” of Golfing After Foley Beheading Speech… Obama Goes Golfing


    CHUCK TODD: I got to ask, so– so during that vacation, you made the statement on Foley. You went and golfed. Do you– do you want that back?

    PRESIDENT OBAMA: You know, it is always a challenge when you’re supposed to be on vacation. Because you’re followed everywhere. And part of what I’d love is a vacation from—

    CHUCK TODD: Yeah, you want to–

    PRESIDENT OBAMA: –the– the press and– and– because–

    CHUCK TODD: I promise you, 2 1/2 years, I think that happens.

    PRESIDENT OBAMA: Because the possibility of a jarring contrast given the world’s news, is always– there’s always going to be some tough news somewhere– is going to be there. But there’s no doubt that– after having talked to the families, where it was hard for me to hold back tears listening to the pain that they were going through, after the statement that I made, that you know, I should’ve anticipated the optics.

    You know, that’s part of the job. And you know, I think everybody who knows me, including, I suspect, the press, understands that that you know, you take this stuff in. And– it– it’s serious business. And– and you care about it deeply.

    But part of this job is also the theatre of it. A part of it is, you know, how are you, how, how are you, well, it’s not something that– that always comes naturally to me. But it matters. And I’m mindful of that. So the important thing is, in addition to that, is am I getting the policies right? Am I protecting the American people? Am I doing what’s necessary?

    And when it comes to the policies, when it comes to the actions we’ve taken, I have no higher priority than keeping the American people safe. I think I’ve done a very good job during the course of these last, close to six years, doing so. And I intend to continue to meet that responsibility or meet that duty, for as long as I have the privilege of holding this office.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman