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Obama Deportation Hits U.S. News & World Report; Sheriff Arpaio Investigation Cited

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  • Obama Deportation Hits U.S. News & World Report; Sheriff Arpaio Investigation Cited

    Coverage: Obama Deportation Hits U.S. News & World Report; Sheriff Arpaio Investigation Cited

    Birther Report



    Excerpt via U.S. News and World Report: Lawyer Who Beat the NSA Files Obama 'Deportation Petition' - Larry Klayman is defending his anti-surveillance win in November.

    [...] Klayman’s deportation request – mailed to three Department of Homeland Security officials Thursday – asks for an investigation and hearing into Obama’s citizenship status. If authorities ignore the request, Klayman intends to file a lawsuit to force action.

    “As demonstrated by the evidence established in exhibits and attached affidavits, there is prima facie evidence that Barack Hussein Obama is removable from the United States and in violation of the law under the legally recognized categories of falsely claiming U.S. citizenship,” Klayman wrote to the officials. "Even if a legitimate birth certificate exists, Barack Obama's repeated use of a clearly forged birth certificate is still a crime."

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a division of the Department of Homeland Security, did not respond to a request for comment.

    Obama’s birth certificate, validated by the Hawaii state government and publicly released in April 2011, says he was born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961. Birth announcements were printed in two local newspapers at the time. There has never been legitimate evidence presented showing Obama was born outside of the U.S.

    Klayman’s evidence, posted to the website of his group Freedom Watch, includes three books by author Jerome Corsi, including the ill-timed “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” Obama released the long-form version of his birth certificate – a key demand of conspiracy theorists – less than a month before the book’s release date.

    The release of the long-form document deflated commentary on the once-popular conspiracy theory Obama was born somewhere else, but some skeptics clung to their beliefs. In a shocking 2012 press conference Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio said the long-form document was a “computer-generated forgery,” citing a volunteer "cold case posse" probe that weighed Corsi's theories.

    A February YouGov/Economist poll found a significant minority of Americans still doubt that Obama was born in the U.S., with 38 percent saying he was either born outside the U.S. or that “it’s possible he was born inside the U.S.”

    [...] Continued @ U.S. News and World Report.

    Excerpt via WND: KLAYMAN FILES FOR DEPORTATION OF BARACK OBAMA - 'Proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken'

    [...] Klayman explains Obama “inconsistently used different names within the United States,” and sought a U.S. passport with a “clearly forged birth certificate.”

    A list of requests includes testimony, records and evidence on the issues of documentation, immigration law, citizenship requirements, birth certificates and more.

    Klayman cited the “exacting, professional and exhaustive investigation” that already has been done on the issue, by a “team of experts” assembled by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona, at the request of his constituents.

    The investigation has concluded that the birth certificate presented by Obama is a forgery.

    The petition notes that even if there exists a Hawaii “birth certificate,” the state had only become a part of the U.S. shortly before, and was working out “procedures to operate as a new state.”

    “People assume that the existence of a birth certificate from Hawaii proves a birth in Hawaii, when Hawaii law at the time is explicit that a parent could lawfully request a birth certificate from Hawaii for a child born in a foreign country.”

    Klayman’s request alleges document fraud, falsely claiming citizenship and willful misrepresentation.

    [...] Continued @ WND.

    Larry Klayman: Deport Obama Now!

    [...] "No, Obama is not incompetent or ill prepared, as politically correct commentators shade it. The African-American “Muslim in Chief” knows exactly what he is doing, and it is done at the expense of the rest of us. As set forth in a deportation petition I filed just today, it’s time that he be deported back to his native country and for him to leave us alone. He has no legitimacy to be president, and he must be tried, convicted and removed from our shores before he destroys everything the Founding Fathers bequeathed to us." [...] More @ WND.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman