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Sheriff Arpaio's Lead Obama ID Fraud Investigator Responds To CBS-5 News Hit-Piece

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  • Sheriff Arpaio's Lead Obama ID Fraud Investigator Responds To CBS-5 News Hit-Piece

    Latest: Sheriff Arpaio's Lead Obama ID Fraud Investigator Responds To CBS-5 News Hit-Piece

    Birther Report



    Excerpt via PPSIMMONS: CBS-5 Phoenix - Runs Seven Minute Hit Piece on Cold-Case Posse


    PPSN Exclusive Interview with Mike Zullo

    Mike Zullo told PPSN, "Personally I am absolutely appalled at the incredulous, malicious, mean-spirited, and ill intentioned pack of out right lies and utter fabrications that Mr. Reilly and his wife are attempting to put forth as truth in order to bring discredit to me and to Sheriff Joe Arpaio in this important investigation. This kind of attack can proceed only from the blackest of hearts"

    Zullo went on to say, "Brian Reilly 's attempt to throw dirt on the generosity and kindhearted act of Mr. Bill Wolf and his wife, in order to offer a blessing from them to me, for the explicit purpose of helping my ailing mother is absolutely disgusting."

    When asked to expound on what has transpired since the CBS-5 interview, Zullo offered the following, "I received a call from Bill's widow and I can't begin to tell you the pain that is been inflicted upon this woman who is still wrestling with the death of her husband. I've come to learn that it was Susan Daniels that was the one who contacted Mrs. Wolff to make the inquiry. It is apparent to me that Brian Reilly and Susan Daniels, and one other person I know of, are now working in concert to try to bring discredit to me personally. The most troubling of all Mr. Reilly 's fictitious statements is this rendition he proffered in the Loew interview where he tries to portray himself as sitting next to me when I made a phone call to Mr. Wolf for the purpose of expressing my heart felt gratitude. Reilly put forth an absolutely fictitious tale in this matter. He presented the matter as if he was sitting next to me and then I hung up the phone and turned to him and supposedly said 'I just got $10,000 now we have to figure out how to get you money.'

    Zullo went on to clarify, "I can emphatically tell you that never took place. As a matter of fact, the check came in around 9 o'clock in the morning unexpectedly, and my wife and I were the only ones home when we opened it. My wife was here when I made the call to Mr. Wolf. Unless Mr. Reilly was sleeping at my house he would've been one hour away from me at that time of the call. This is the most outlandish falsehood (of many) I have yet heard to come out of his mouth."

    When PPSN asked Zullo what he thought Mr. Reilly 's motives might be in this matter, he responded, "I believe Mr. Reilly 's intentions are spawned from many emotional issues and self-serving motivations that reside within him, particularly his previously expressed desire to write a book when this ordeal is finally over. It is my opinion that this is his main motivation for spinning up these controversies."

    PPSN: Did Mr. Reilly ever receive benefits or compensation related to his work with the CCP?

    ZULLO: Yes. Mr. Reilly fails to mention that he was a personal benefactor of some of the donated funds acquired by the posse. He and his wife were compensated a total of $1200 for services rendered to the posse before Mr. Reilly was even a member. In addition he accompanied me on brief out-of-state trips in which Mr. Reilly 's hotel stay and meals and transportation were all paid for through donated funds.

    PPSN: In your opinion, did Mr. Reilly make any other false claims in the interview, or leave out any other important information pertinent to the interview?

    ZULLO: Absolutely. Mr. Reilly also failed to mention that he was a fired former volunteer law-enforcement officer. Furthermore, the presentation that he was not a Birther, and that he accepted Hawaii's Secretary of State's validation of the Obama birth certificate are both outright fabrications. Reilly 's actions have been witnessed by countless people refuting that Hawaiian verification at the time it was made.

    ZULLO: The bottom line is this - Mr. Reilly wasn't upset with the Sheriff's office as he claims he was. In my opinion, Mr. Reilly was upset that the Sheriff and I were not conducting this investigation the way Mr. Reilly believed it should be conducted. That seems to be a reoccurring theme in every venture of which Mr. Reilly becomes a part. He attempts to take over a lead position and instill his own thoughts and ideas and fight anyone who does not see the situation as he does. He appears to me to be an extremely divisive and controlling individual.

    Between Morgan Loew and Mike Zullo: (complete)

    [...] Continued at PPSIMMONS.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman