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Michelle Obama Goes Berserk Over Birth Certificate Findings -- Give Us Liberty

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  • Michelle Obama Goes Berserk Over Birth Certificate Findings -- Give Us Liberty

    Michelle Obama Goes Berserk Over Birth Certificate Findings

    Give Us Liberty



    "... will the media pursue, or even bother to investigate what should be the story of the century?

    Unsubstantiated claims are one thing. Cold hard evidence is another and it should go without saying that the findings of the Cold Case Posse should be a game changer. A legitimate and duly constituted law enforcement investigation, that… and that the man who is presently occupying the Oval Office is potentially occupying that office as a result of fraud and forgery.

    While the liberal media is doing everything in its power to ignore the findings of Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, Obama can’t ignore the findings; and if Mike Zullo, the lead investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, is correct, not only is Team Obama not ignoring the findings, but the media’s see-no-evil attitude may not simply be the result of liberal bias.

    Zullo just released another huge bombshell: “During our investigation, we actually were told [that media] had been threatened with FTC investigations. Commentators [had been] threatened with their jobs” and the “threats were so intimidating that some individuals quit their positions over safety concerns for their families.”

    Author Jerome Corsi added more fuel to this growing fire when he recently stated: “Testimony is being developed that the White House is intimidating, in a systematic way, the mainstream media and if any broadcasters dare go into this birther story, they’re going to risk FCC investigations… people are going to have careers ruined… thrown off the air.”

    Obviously, there is more going on than meets the eye and hopefully, more information will be forthcoming. Corsi claims that the evidence that the Cold Case Posse presented at the press conference was just “the tip of the iceberg” and he adds:

    “There are very deep and important revelations that are being worked on and they are systematically coming out in the next few weeks.” Once again, we are left to ask, where is the liberal media? Why is the reporting on such shocking allegations only coming from the supermarket tabloids?

    Why is Obama not being properly vetted and will the media eventually catch up to the tabloids and investigate these pile of stories that could sink the Obama presidency? Only time will tell… Developing."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Three years ago, the Canadian Free Press ran a couple of stories on the obozo intimidation of the media and stated they had several affidavits signed by station managers and news anchors. We discussed it at length on Lucas' forum on utube. We also saw stories we found on the web that were scrubbed off the web as soon as we talked about them on that same forum. (You have to admit we kept the obots busy for a while.) They got Glenn Beck fired. They got Judge Napolitano's show cancelled. Who know how namy others, not nationally known, were causualities of the "shut uo the media" campaign. That's before you get to the suspicious deaths, Andrew Breitbart for one.
    Now the story is too big, they can't stop it. Why did they let it get so big? I have my thoughts on it. However, I'm off to PT and will try to post more when I get back.

