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Report: The Real Barack Obama And The Transformation Of America; Hidden Background

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  • Report: The Real Barack Obama And The Transformation Of America; Hidden Background

    Report: The Real Barack Obama And The Transformation Of America; Hidden Background

    Birther Report



    The Real Barack Obama And The Transformation of America
    Kevin Shipp | TPT

    President Barack Hussein Obama has publicly claimed he is a “Christian.” He originally made this statement during his campaign for president of the United States, and continues to make it as president, although rarely. But is he really a Christian?

    It is well known that a politician has little chance of winning an election in the United States if he is anti-Christian or espouses anti-Christian policies. Polls show about 80% of Americans claim to belong to the religion of Christianity, although it is not known if this percentage represents practicing Christians. But, it is certain no politician will win high election in America if he or she publicly disparages Christianity.

    As we know, modern politics is full of deceit and manipulation. Why has Barack Obama claimed he is a Christian during his political campaigns? Is this a truthful statement? Is he bending the truth for power, or is there a more sinister reason? In the paragraphs that follow, I will demonstrate that the majority of Barack Obama’s actions, both publicly and covertly – are hostile to Christianity. Whether you espouse Christianity as your faith or not, it is important to know why it is so critical if he is lying, and how this may directly tie into his personal connection to radical Islam. If the most powerful man in the world practices deception in the most basic bedrock of his character, it does not bode well for his truthfulness in matters of national importance.

    In this article I will analyze, not just the statements Barack Obama has made, but his political and presidential actions. Sadly, it appears most journalists will not touch this subject. This is a reality of the erosion of freedom of the press in America, which used to be founded on courageous and free speech. Journalists today, especially in the conglomerate news media, are restricted from reporting freely on certain issues, like this one. But, that is the subject of another article. As a former federal agent, who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, I feel duty bound to expose this information. As the saying goes, “It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.”

    The burning question many in the national media avoid is this: Is Barack Obama a sincere Christian, a deceptive politician – or actually a covert Muslim? The answer to this question will reveal the political, financial and cultural path, on which Obama is leading America. It will remove the curtain from the wealthy political, financial and social institutions that surround him – and have placed him in power.

    What you are about to read may shock you.

    Who is Barack Obama?


    In this format, let’s look at Barack Obama’s actions, not what he claims in pubic:


    His personal background was hidden and information surrounding his past education and activities were blocked from being released.


    Despite the controversy over his birth certificate, he refused to make it public. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio initiated an investigation of the birth certificate claiming “New information confirms the document presented to the American public in April 2011 is undoubtedly fraudulent.” Experts had concluded the document finally released was a layered PDF file, with information inserted. Arpaio was brutally attacked by “Progressives” and the liberal news media, which labeled anyone who demanded a copy of the document “Birthers.” Legitimate journalism will investigate and determine whether these allegations, made by an elected official, are true or not. An important point is the certificate was concealed during Obama’s entire campaign for president. Why? The point here is not whether Arpaio’s allegations are true or not, but why the American people had to fight to get it released, considering it is the fundamental document in his eligibility.

    [...] Continued @ Tea Party Tribune. Hat tip Guest.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    >>> WHO THE HELL CARES who the real barak insane obola is . " We The People " just want him indicted , arrested ans imprisoned for the published list of 50 + high crimes and misdemeanors , including fraud , treason , bad governance , and violation of our constitution .
    ---------------- AMERICA DOES NOT HAVE A PRESIDENT --------------------

