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Veteran Broadcaster Talks Sheriff Joe Obama Investigation; Now Defends Birthers

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  • Veteran Broadcaster Talks Sheriff Joe Obama Investigation; Now Defends Birthers

    Must Hear: Veteran Broadcaster Talks Sheriff Joe Obama Investigation; Now Defends Birthers

    Birther Report



    Birther Report reader sent in the following: I just heard Neal Boortz filling in for Herman Cain on the radio this morning Tues Nov 18 on WSB. A caller brought up Arpaio and Zullo. Boortz says he used to regard birthers as nut cases, but now he is reconsidering what birthers say because it has been proven that Obama will lie about anything.

    ( Audio via WSB Radio )

    WSB Caller: The first scam was Obama's forged documents and his stolen social security number. Nobody will talk about it - nobody will talk about Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse - Why?

    Neal Boortz: When I was actually doing a daily show I wasn't that interested in the questions about whether or not Barack Obama was an actual citizen, whether or not he enrolled at Occidental as a foreign student, whether or not he's used several social security numbers. I wasn't that interested, but now that we have discovered... now that we know... Fact...that Obama is a pathological liar. That Obama will do anything that he thinks he can get away with to obtain and preserve power... now that we know this.. it does cause me to go back to all of these former questions and say, you know what? Maybe these people(Birthers) that I kinda wrote off as nutcases, maybe they had a point.

    ( Audio via WSB Radio )

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman