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World Tribune Top 2014 Stories; Obama BC Forensic Findings; 100% Forgery

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  • World Tribune Top 2014 Stories; Obama BC Forensic Findings; 100% Forgery

    Featured: World Tribune Top 2014 Stories; Obama Birth Certificate Forensic Findings; 100% Forgery

    Birther Report



    Obama's purported birth certificate made World Tribune's 'Top 2014 Stories' ranking in at #11. The report is by former Washington Times writer Dr. Grace Vuoto, currently the Editor of World Tribune. The report is about Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Obama birth certificate and Selective Service card investigation and features LT. Zullo's presentation at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association meeting live streamed at Birther Report.

    Excerpt via World Tribune:

    #11 — Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it’


    What many in the media fail to grasp is that so-called “birthers” would rather be wrong than right. It is more upsetting for many of them to believe that this kind of crime can be committed than that it was not.

    The difference between a conspiracy theory and a crime is that a conspiracy theory cannot stand against the test of forensic evidence. Those who dismiss this investigation as merely “kooky” must answer these questions: Are leading experts in their field who have provided their professional assessment to a criminal investigation merely to be ignored?

    Why would these experts risk their reputation and also commit perjury? It is therefore kookier to disregard these assessments summarily than to view them with an unbiased eye.

    The evidence currently being accumulated by the Cold Case Posse requires consideration. It is time for Congress to do its constitutional duty and examine all this hard evidence in the clear light of day. [...] World Tribune.

    The issue should be number one...

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman