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NBC Newser: Rep. Gohmert And Rep. Yoho Believe Obama Illegal Immigrant From Africa

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  • NBC Newser: Rep. Gohmert And Rep. Yoho Believe Obama Illegal Immigrant From Africa

    NBC Newser: Rep. Gohmert And Rep. Yoho Believe Obama Illegal Immigrant From Africa

    Birther Report



    Chris 'Amnesia' Matthews: Tea Party Thinks Obama Illegal Immigrant From Africa; Obama Born In Indonesia!?

    MSNBCer Chris Matthews says Rep. Gohmert and Rep. Yoho, among other Tea Partiers, believe Obama's an illegal immigrant from Africa and don't like him because he's black. This is very similar to Obama's own remarks last month where he said some republicans are sure he's an illegal immigrant. Coordinated effort by the White House?

    VIDEO ...:
    ( Video via MSNBC @ Daily Caller )

    Now: "Well, how do you think Louie Gohmert feels towards David Duke? How do we know? What do you think of Yoho and that crowd? These guys believe the president is an illegal immigrant from Africa, because they can’t stand the fact that he’s an African-American president." - Chris Matthews, MSNBC, January 6th, 2015

    Then: "But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?" - Chris Matthews, MSNBC, December 18th, 2007

    There's been an onslaught of birther attacks against Rep. Gohmert and Rep. Yoho over the last several days.

    The first shot via Obama buddy Dana Milbank @ Washington comPost:

    GOP’s Louie Gohmert, wannabe speaker, headlines the House’s latest freak show


    The sixth-term lawmaker joins Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.), a two-term libertarian who warded off a primary challenge from a man who liked to dress as a vampire, in offering themselves as prospective speakers. Yoho endorsed the “birther” accusation against President Obama and has questioned the constitutionality of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He also spoke favorably of a default on the federal debt and of allowing only property owners to vote.

    Gohmert and Yoho are but stalking horses, part of a scheme by conservatives to deny Boehner the 218 votes he needs to return as speaker in the new Congress. That means persuading 29 Republicans to vote for anybody other than Boehner, which could force the GOP caucus to come up with a new consensus candidate. [...] Washington Post.

    Another swipe at Rep. Gohmert and Rep. Yoho via Hearst's Seattle PI:

    Rep. Louie Gohmert, who warned of terrorist babies, challenges Boehner


    Now, two extreme members of Boehner’s caucus — both veterans of the “birther” movement that questioned President Obama’s citizenship — are running against Boehner for speaker. Neither has a chance, but conservative media is puffing Boehner’s challengers. [...] Seattle PI.

    And, another jab by some socialist at Politicus USA:
    The Forces of Nullification Behind Opposition to Boehner


    I didn’t really know much about former large animal veterinarian Ted Yoho (R-FL), the other guy wanting Boehner’s job, other than that he is a birther. But Right Wing Watch took a look at him yesterday, and it turns out he’s a bit “out there” as well, including his belief that only property owners should be allowed to vote: [...] Politicus USA.

    Most know there's been a coordinated effort by the media to protect Obama from the very start. We also know Matthews and Milbank are political hacks and not really journalist. The problem is they wield a lot of power.

    Fun fact: Chris Matthews visited Obama at the White House many times including a private visit at the White House residence shortly after Sheriff Arpaio's first Obama birth certificate & Selective Service card press conference.

    - White House Visitor Log -

    Don't forget about Washington Post's Dana Milbank:

    - White House Visitor Log -

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-07-2015, 02:54 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    >>> O M G . ARE WE the only AMERICAN citizens who know the truth and have the proof ?
    BRUCE , maybe it would be effective to send another raft of certified letters to the fools in congress and also the supreme court , federal courts , law enforcement , and lamestream enemedia .

