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Probable Cause: Standard Surpassed In Obama Forgeries; Obama Testimony, Grand Jury?

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  • Probable Cause: Standard Surpassed In Obama Forgeries; Obama Testimony, Grand Jury?

    Probable Cause: Standard Surpassed In Obama Forgeries; Obama Testimony Before Grand Jury?

    Birther Report



    Should a Grand Jury Call Obama to Testify?
    by Sharon Rondeau

    — In its Friday newsletter and accompanying website article, government watchdog Judicial Watch reported a role played by Congress in an “Obamacare scandal,” the targeting and attempted silencing of investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, and two fallen Republican politicians.

    Founded in 1999 by Atty. Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch has investigated hundreds of cases at the state and national levels to expose government corruption. It has performed groundbreaking work in the areas of illegal alien migration into the country and the impact on U.S. national security; government expenditures, including the Obamas’ lavish vacations over the last six years; voter integrity projects in several states; Bill and Hillary Clinton; former Republican Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell; and has launched an initiative entitled “The National Obama Accountability Project” which alleges that Barack Hussein Obama has committed “misconduct and violations of the law.”

    Tom Fitton is now president of Judicial Watch, which accepts donations from the public to continue its work. The organization pursued and obtained documents through a FOIA lawsuit on Attkisson’s behalf this past summer relating to the “flawed rollout of the Affordable Care Act on and other related systems.”

    JW filed a second lawsuit with Attkisson as co-plaintiff against the Department of Justice for its failure to respond to Attkisson’s FOIA requests for documents it possessed containing her name. Attkisson has independently filed a $35,000,000 lawsuit alleging that a government agency or agencies breached her computers; interfered with her internet, cellular phone service, and cable television service; and planted and removed documentation unauthorized on her hard drive(s).

    At the same time, Attkisson filed administrative claims against the DOJ from its ignoring of her reports of the surveillance and tampering with her equipment which ensued between 2011 and 2013. The claims are a possible precursor to a formal lawsuit.

    On March 4, 2011, Attkisson, then working for CBS News, issued a report which revealed that the ATF had failed to respond to her queries about the newly-discovered “gun walking” operation, later known as “Fast & Furious,” which resulted in the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

    In an exclusive initial report published on February 24, 2011, Atkisson found:

    “Project Gunrunner” deployed new teams of agents to the southwest border. The idea: to stop the flow of weapons from the US to Mexico’s drug cartels. But in practice, sources tell CBS News, ATF’s actions had the opposite result: they allegedly facilitated the delivery of thousands of guns into criminal hands.

    CBS News wanted to ask ATF officials about the case, but they wouldn’t agree to an interview. We were able to speak to six veteran ATF agents and executives involved. They don’t want to be quoted by name for fear of retaliation.

    In her March 4, 2011 report, Attkisson showed that she had discovered that ATF officials had asked the sub-agency’s media representatives to ensure that “good stories” about its work were published over the following two weeks in response to “the negative coverage by CBS News” on Fast & Furious.

    In November, Judicial Watch released hundreds of pages of documents released by the DOJ which revealed DOJ and White House operatives’ targeting of Attkisson as “out of control” and causing “the AG” to “look bad.”

    On December 26, 2011, JW included Obama in a list of Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians for that year. Obama was more recently sued by members of Congress for withholding Fast & Furious documents which JW obtained through its own lawsuit.

    A Fox News report from approximately the same time reminds viewers that a portion of one of a CBS interview with Obama on the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack which killed four Americans on September 11, 2012 was withheld by CBS until two days before the presidential election, and then posted only on the internet. Of that, Fox News reported that Attkisson wrote in her book Stonewalled that she was shocked to find that “upper-level journalists” at her former place of employment had participated in withholding crucial information from the American public.

    “We controlled the media,” said former Obama campaign communications director Anita Dunn in 2009.

    In its reportage of the McDonnell scandal, JW stated that Attorney General Eric Holder took action to leak information to the press on the McDonnell case before it went to trial. It then said:

    (And it raises the question about the Justice Department’s criminal lack of interest in seriously investigating the Obama gang’s abuse of the IRS and myriad other Obama scandals that ought to have this president visiting a grand jury on a regular basis.)

    The Post & Email has reported extensively on the historic role of the grand jury in American history, emanating from the Assize of Clarendon beginning in 1166, during which “12 ‘good and lawful men’ in each village were assembled to reveal the names of those suspected of crimes.”

    A history of the grand jury on the website of the California Superior Court, San Mateo County, states:
    In America, the Massachusetts Bay Colony impaneled the first Grand Jury in 1635 to consider cases of murder, robbery and wife beating. As early as 1700, the value of the Grand Jury was recognized as opposing the Royalists. These colonial Grand Juries expressed their independence by refusing to indict leaders of the Stamp Act (1765), and refusing to bring libel charges against the editors of the Boston Gazette (1765). A union with other colonies to oppose British taxes was supported by the Philadelphia Grand Jury in 1770.

    By the end of the Colonial Period, the Grand Jury had become an indispensable adjunct of Government: “they proposed new laws, protested against abuses in government, and wielded the tremendous authority in their power to determine who should and who should not face trial.”

    British King John included the grand jury in the Magna Carta in 1215.

    In its official handbook, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts in Washington, DC states that “…a grand jury is able to vote an indictment or refuse to do so, as it deems proper, without regard to the recommendations of judge, prosecutor, or any other person. This independence from the will of the government was achieved only after a long hard fight…”

    Further, the handbook states (pp. 3-4):

    The grand jury as an institution was so firmly established in the traditions of our forebears that they included it in the Bill of Rights. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides in part that “(n)o person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury . . . .” Moreover, the grand jury system is also recognized in the constitutions of many of the states of the Union…

    The grand jury…does not determine guilt or innocence, but only whether there is probable cause to believe that a crime was committed and that a specific person or persons committed it. If the grand jury finds that probable cause exists against a person suspected of having committed the crime, then it will return a written statement of the charges called an “indictment.” After that, the person will go to trial.

    The grand jury normally hears only that evidence presented by a government attorney, which tends to show the commission of a crime. The government attorney usually is the United States Attorney or an Assistant United States Attorney in the federal district. The grand jury must determine from this evidence, and usually without hearing evidence for the defense, whether the person being investigated by the government should be tried for a serious federal crime, referred to in the Bill of Rights as an “infamous crime.” An infamous crime is one which may be punished by imprisonment for more than one year. As a general rule, no one can be prosecuted for a serious crime unless the grand jury decides that the evidence it has heard so requires. In this way, the grand jury operates both as a “sword,” authorizing the government’s prosecution of suspected criminals, and also as a “shield,” protecting citizens from unwarranted or inappropriate prosecutions.

    Historically, the grand jury met on its own volition, without a government prosecutor, attorney, or any other public official present, to consider evidence of a crime which a member of the community had reported or which they themselves discovered.

    (Jan. 11, 2015) - Source link. © 2015, The Post & Email. - - All rights reserved.

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    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-12-2015, 11:27 PM.
    B. Steadman