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Listen Live: Veteran Journalist That Blasted Media Over Obama Forgeries Speaks Out

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  • Listen Live: Veteran Journalist That Blasted Media Over Obama Forgeries Speaks Out

    Listen Live: Veteran Journalist That Blasted Media Over Obama Forgeries Speaks Out

    Birther Report



    The ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW - Diana West

    "Since I'm looking back over the past decade and a half, I will state what I think amounts to the most momentous story of our age, a story that begins with, as best I can judge, the near-certainty that Barack Obama's online birth certificate and Selective Service registration card are forgeries. That this has been a non-issue in most conservative and Republican circles for the past six years is the biggest single and essential enabler of the war that Obama and his administration are visiting upon our nation and our Constitution." -- Diana West, author and syndicated columnist

    Tonight we welcome back author and syndicated columnist Diana West, whose most recent book, the controversial "American Betrayal"​​ has been praised by historians M. Stanton Evans, Andrew Bostom, and Jed Babbin, and contemporary writers Monica Crowley, Jack Cashill, and Brad Thor. It has also been reviled by others, self admitted Communist converts who have taken issue with the facts the book reveals about our backstage war with Moscow, going back to the FDR Administration.

    What are Diane's views on current developments with Putin's Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, and the war on oil? What are the "backstories" driving what's happening in the Middle East? The assassination of ten cartoonists in Paris, supposedly by members of al Qaeda?

    This is an interview you don't want to miss.​ Listen LIVE or LATER here --->


    Show Broadcast Live Tonight (1/13/2015) 9:00 PM ET - 11:00 PM ET

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    Show Call In Number: (646) 478-4604

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    B. Steadman