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Every Sheriff In America Received Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Obama Forgery Findings

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  • Every Sheriff In America Received Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Obama Forgery Findings

    Public Notice: Every Sheriff In America Received Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Obama Forgery Findings

    Birther Report



    Announcement: Thousands of Sheriff Kits Mailed – One Sent to Every County Sheriff in the USA

    As announced on WOBC radio last night, CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) of and Mike Volin of have completed the Sheriff Kit DVD mass mailing campaign launched at the end of Nov 2014. Listen to the radio show and announcement here.

    The target of the mass mailing of the specially designed Sheriff Kit DVDs was to every county sheriff and county sheriff equivalent in the USA, over 3300 0f them. Also receiving kits in this mass mailing was every state Governor and every state Attorney General. And in addition, new members of Congress. The Sheriff Kit package contains the forensic evidence and reports presented by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County AZ demonstrating that Obama’s proffered long-form birth certificate PDF file placed on the website on 27 Apr 2011 is a human engineered, cut and paste, PhotoShopped, computer-manufactured digital forgery. It also shows Obama’s Selective Service Draft Registration card, a copy of which was obtained via a FOIA request is a forgery. The total mailing totaled approximately 3600 pieces.

    Now a key and influential locally-elected law-enforcement official in every single county in every corner of the USA has in their possession a copy of the forensic evidence presented by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of AZ and Lead Investigator Mike Zullo at their press conferences showing that Obama’s key identity documents are forged. Criminal document fraud has been committed on behalf of Obama. These crimes need to be investigated and prosecuted. And since representations of the forged birth certificate where used in every state in the country by Obama and his campaign to fund-raise, a legal nexus has been established between Obama and his campaign and every state, which allows each state Attorney General to investigate and prosecute. They also received via the DVD the tools on the DVD to obtain a copy of forged PDF file directly off the site themselves and instructions to have their own computer forensic experts take a look and study the evidence of forgery in the PDF file birth certificate document themselves.

    It was also announced that Mike Volin will be leading a follow-up campaign on the mass mailing and is the contact person for the Sheriffs and others mailed to. He has already received contacts and feedback from Sheriffs and others as a result of this mass mailing. And many more are anticipated. Mike can be reached via the email contact link in his website or via telephone by calling this number: 570-394-2570 .

    Since the Congress has still not been acting after repeatedly being informed of the forged identity documents used by Obama via visits to them in DC and their local offices, we are now taking another approach — a grass-roots, bottom-up approach to educate law-enforcement officials in every corner of this great nation about the identity fraud seated in the Oval Office. The major media has been and still is covering up and protecting the fraud-and-usurper-in-chief, Barack Obama. But with this ongoing campaign, we are now bypassing them and going right to the key law-enforcement people in every state and county in the country — and even to the territories such as Guam. We will be building a prairie fire under the feet of the Congress. They will be hearing more shortly from — We the People. They will soon feel the heat.

    Major funding for this mass Sheriff Kit DVD mailing was provided by and . Additional funding was provided by donations from concerned Americans. Thank you to all who donated. And thank you to all the volunteers who helped get this mass mailing of Sheriff Kit DVDs accomplished. The time, talent, and treasure of all who stepped forward to help is what made this project a success.

    If you would like a personal copy of the Sheriff Kit, visit: and request a free copy of a Sheriff Kit or download an “.iso” file copy directly from the site and make/burn your own DVD copy locally. Request or make multiple copies and give them to anyone locally you can — local talk radio or talk TV show hosts and local newspaper editors or op-ed piece writers. Also give copies to their respective in-house graphics experts. If you personally know your country sheriff, take him/her another copy and ask them about it. Tell them how much the lawlessness coming out of DC bothers you. Circulate this evidence far and wide. Spread the word! Let’s light that prairie fire under Congress’ feet!
    Make it happen! Bravo Zulu! CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) —

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    The following is a reproduction, with slight editing, of a comment I made on 2/1/2015 to the Birther Report article:

    ---- "The target of the mass mailing of the specially designed Sheriff Kit DVDs was to every county sheriff and county sheriff equivalent in the USA, over 3300 0f them. Also receiving kits in this mass mailing was every state Governor and every state Attorney General. And in addition, new members of Congress."-----

    Absolutely AMAZING! Kudos and my sincere thanks to CDR Charles Kerchner (ret), Mike Volin and all the volunteers who participated in the monumental project!

    It would be hard for me to overemphasize the IMPORTANCE of this project because of the target recipients for the kits and the CHALLENGES inherent with its immense size.

    We can only hope that the MSM will take notice of the project and choose NOT TO IGNORE Team Arpaio's forthcoming presentation. Instead, they should do their job of presenting the truth regarding Obama's fraudulent activity to the American People, which will ultimately convince CONGRESS to conduct an honest, thorough investigation.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-02-2015, 03:12 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Recap: Every Governor & State AG Received Sheriff Arpaio's Obama Forgery Findings

      Birther Report



      DVDs with Evidence of Fraud, Forgery Mailed to All U.S. County Sheriffs, Governors, Attorneys General
      by Sharon Rondeau

      (Feb. 1, 2015) — On Friday, Mike Volin, founder of and the radio show by the same name, divulged the recipients of thousands of Sheriff’s Kits over the past two months.

      In late November, CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. (Ret.) and Volin embarked on a mass mailing project involving the Sheriff’s Kits, which consist of a DVD featuring a presentation given by Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo revealing how the posse reached its conclusions that Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.”

      In September 2011, Zullo and four other posse members were commissioned to launch an investigation into the image posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 after 250 Tea Party members approached Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio with concerns that their votes would be disenfranchised in the 2012 presidential election. Arpaio agreed to have the image investigated by the posse so that no costs would be incurred by taxpayers.

      After 72 hours, the posse concluded that the image could not have originated with a real, paper document.

      On March 1, 2012, Zullo and Arpaio gave a press conference in which they told the public that there was probable cause to believe that the birth certificate and Selective Service registration form bearing Obama’s name are fraudulent. On July 17, 2012, a second press conference confirmed that the suspicions of the posse had surpassed the standard of probable cause.

      The media and Congress have taken no independent action on the posse’s findings.

      In May 2013, Zullo gave a presentation to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) at its annual meeting in St. Charles, MO on the forgeries which was replicated on the Sheriff’s Kits.

      Since their production in July 2013, Volin and a number of volunteers have distributed the Sheriff’s Kits to members of Congress, law enforcers, the media, state legislators, and average citizens. They have conducted in-person meetings with congressional staffers and congressmen, mailed hundreds of kits to citizen volunteers for distribution, and included candidates for political office in their outreach.

      At 14:14 in the broadcast, Volin brought on Kerchner, who also runs the Protect Our Liberty website, to speak about the mass mailing project. In his opening remarks, Kerchner announced the untimely passing of Daniel Haggerty, who, with Atty. William Baer, had hosted the Baer/Haggerty Offensive radio show dealing with constitutional issues. “He was a great patriot, a strong constitutionalist and was fighting every single day to expose the usurper-in-chief” Kerchner said of Haggerty, with a reference to Obama’s questionable eligibility for office.

      Obama’s constitutional eligibility has been questioned since late 2007, when commentator Chris Matthews stated on air that Obama was “born in Indonesia.” Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution requires that the president and commander-in-chief be a “natural born Citizen,” although much debate about the term has transpired since Obama’s candidacy in 2008.

      Obama has not released his college applications, passport applications, school or medical records for public scrutiny. Between 1991 and April 2007, Obama’s official biography stated that he was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

      At just past the 22:00 mark, Kerchner told the audience that he conceived of an idea in November that a sheriff’s kit be “sent to every single sheriff in this country.”

      Kerchner said volunteers helped to package the DVDs over a five-week period totaling approximately 3,300 pieces. He also revealed that “every single governor and all the attorney generals [sic] and every new Republican member of the new Congress” received a kit with an “action statement” included in each.

      Volin explained that the recipients of the mailing were kept secret so that the project would not be derailed midstream. He stated that he has received some response, including a Christmas card from one recipient. Volin said that follow-up will be completed on the mailings.

      All kits were sent by certified mail, of which Volin said approximately 15 were returned for one reason or another. Kerchner said that “major funding” was needed to complete the project which he and Volin provided with assistance from donors.

      Volin said that the kit was updated recently to include Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s contact information. The kit is also downloadable from Volin’s website.

      Kerchner said that “every corner of the nation” has now been informed of the findings of forgery in Obama’s only proffered documentation.

      Also on Friday, on his “Freedom Friday” radio show, host Carl Gallups provided a brief update on the criminal investigation which stated that the probe remains ongoing and that Zullo and Arpaio expect to release their findings to the public at some point in the future.

      To date, Arpaio has been the only sheriff who has undertaken a forensic examination of the birth certificate image. A federal judge recently set a trial for contempt against Arpaio in April.

      Arpaio has filed a lawsuit against Obama’s declared changes to immigration law on November 20.
      © 2015, The Post & Email. All rights reserved. Source link.

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
      B. Steadman

