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NBC Under Fire: Investigative Journo Interviews Zullo; No Raised Seal On Obama BC

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  • NBC Under Fire: Investigative Journo Interviews Zullo; No Raised Seal On Obama BC

    NBC Under Fire: Investigative Journo Interviews Zullo; No Raised Seal On Obama Birth Certificate

    Birther Report



    Investigative journalist Alan Jones just published a report about NBC News anchor Brian Williams and the rumor that NBC News White House correspondent Savannah Guthrie may fill his seat. Jones interviews Mike Zullo.

    Guthrie reportedly is the only "journalist" on the face of the planet to "touch" Obama's purported birth certificate.

    Alan Jones reports @ 1776 Channel:

    Savannah Guthrie: Another NBC credibility disaster?


    If the ‘Cold Case Posse’ releases additional findings concerning the Obama birth certificate, a development that has been anticipated for nearly a year, NBC News would likely face a credibility crises far more severe than the Brian Williams fiasco.

    Guthrie could also potentially face criminal conspiracy charges if it were determined by investigators that she knowingly presented a forged Hawaii state document to NBC viewers and informed them it was real, possibly for the purpose of protecting the Obama Administration.

    Guthrie, Williams and NBC News risk becoming the poster children of the corporate media’s utter failure to challenge the White House’s claims to possess a legal birth document for President Obama, despite dubious statements by Hawaii officials, one of whom perished in a bizarre plane crash.

    Reed Hayes, a document examiner who has served as expert witness for Seattle law firm Perkins Coie, the very same firm that flew an attorney from Honolulu to Washington D.C. to personally deliver two paper copies to the White House (allegedly examined by Guthrie), states that Obama’s birth certificate is “entirely fabricated”.

    Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Lt. Mike Zullo spoke with 1776 Channel in an exclusive interview today about the White House PDF scan and Savannah Guthrie’s claims.

    "Reed Hayes has a distinguished background as a document examiner. He has done work in document examination for Perkins Coie. Mr. Reed has concluded that the image presented by the White House is “entirely fabricated”.

    We have no evidence of a raised seal being displayed on that document that Savannah Guthrie supposedly felt. We don’t know what she felt. No evidence that we can determine shows alterations to that paper body indicating a raised seal. Their work flow is a scan of the document. Upon examination there is no evidence of raised seal. We have seen examples of other Hawaii documents with raised seals clearly displayed. According to former White House attorney Bob Bauer, Obama never even handled it, but Savannah Guthrie did." – Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Lt. Mike Zullo [...] Continued @ 1776 Channel.

    Alan Jones is an investigative journalist who published a series of groundbreaking stories at the Washington Times Communities. Several of those stories were subsequently covered by other media outlets, including World Net Daily, Infowars, Daily Caller, and New American. - You can read Alan Jones previous reports ....

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman