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Howard Dean: Governor Scott Walker Says Obama Born In Kenya; What About Obama's Bio?

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  • Howard Dean: Governor Scott Walker Says Obama Born In Kenya; What About Obama's Bio?

    Howard Dean: Governor Scott Walker Says Obama Born In Kenya; What About Obama's Bio?

    Birther Report



    Howard Dean: Governor Scott Walker Says Obama Born In Kenya; What About Obama's 16-Year Admission?

    Democrat Howard Dean told MSNBC's 7 viewers that Gov. Scott Walker says Obama was born in Kenya.

    The reality is Gov. Walker never stated any such thing...

    Partial transcript via NewsBusters:

    Howard Dean: Scott Walker Says Obama Born In Kenya


    "He [Scott Walker] is catering to the right wing. The trouble with that is he's going to have the same problem that Mitt Romney did. He's going to say some things that are hard to live down. Because the average American voter doesn't want to know, they want to know that he thinks, he respects the presidency and obviously you can't respect the presidency if you think he's, you say he's not a Christian, he was born in Kenya, and all of this other crazy crap. He's now catering to the crazy wing of the Republican party. That's great in the primaries but it's going to come back and bite him in the general election." [...] NewsBusters.

    VIDEO ...:
    ( Video via MSNBC @ Breitbart. )

    But, Obama did....

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman