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Sheriff Joe: Obama Likely Not Qualified To Work At Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office

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  • Sheriff Joe: Obama Likely Not Qualified To Work At Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama Likely Not Qualified To Work At Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office

    Birther Report



    Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama Likely “Not Qualified” to Work at Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
    by Sharon Rondeau

    (Feb. 25, 2015) — On the Joe Miller Radio Show on Tuesday, Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio spoke about Al Sharpton‘s relationship with Obama and what he termed Sharpton’s “propaganda” business, Arpaio”s lawsuit challenging Obama’s executive actions on illegal aliens announced in November, and the investigation he launched into the long-form birth certificate image posted on on the morning of April 27, 2011.

    Miller’s website features news from around the nation and the world delivered in a daily newsletter entitled “Restoring Liberty” to subscribers as a free service. His radio show launched on February 9, 2015 and is broadcast live on KOAN 1080 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST/2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Alaska time.

    In August 2010, Miller won the Republican primary against Sen. Lisa Murkowski, but according to his biography, “federal contractors and others who benefited from the status quo waged a multimillion-dollar campaign and managed to help narrowly defeat” him.

    Last year, he was a contender in the primary against then-Alaska Attorney General Dan Sullivan, who defeated Miller and won the Senate seat from Democrat Mark Begich.

    Miller attended West Point Military Academy and graduated in the top 1% of his class. He served overseas in Operation Desert Storm in 1991, earning a number of awards and recognitions. After leaving the Army, he earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, then attended and graduated from Yale Law School. Following his relocation to Alaska, he served as a judge in several capacities. He now maintains a private law practice in Fairbanks.

    Other recent guests of Miller’s include WND columnist and author Dr. Jerome Corsi, former Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice Herb Titus speaking on corruption within the federal courts, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and others.

    Of Sharpton, Arpaio commented that “the president likes to have him at the White House.” He then said, “I wish he would invite me to the White House…but I don’t think I’m his favorite guy these days,” referencing the “birth certificate investigation” and his lawsuit filed on November 20 directly after Obama announced executive actions which propose allowing up to 5 million illegals to remain in the country and obtain work permits and Social Security numbers.

    Within 24 hours of the release of the birth certificate image, several graphics and imaging experts declared it a poor forgery, with at least one staking her reputation on her analysis. The mainstream media refused to investigate or ask questions, relegating its reports to the internet and not broadcast radio or television.

    On the White House website, Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii to “a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas” and raised with “values from the heartland.” However, Obama’s statements made in his books, voting records, associations and ideas indicate that his values and political views emanate from the far left. Americans in “the heartland” are generally known for farming, ranching, self-reliance, independence, and center-right leanings, particularly on social and cultural issues.

    A 2008 claim made by an award-winning Washington Post reporter that Obama “was raised in the Kansas heartland” was not supported by evidence or documentation, and a query on the statement made to The Post went unanswered, although acknowledged. Obama’s official life story states that he was raised in Hawaii until the age of six, when he reportedly went with his mother to Indonesia after she married her second husband, Lolo Soetoro.

    On an alleged school registration form, Obama is reportedly referred to as “Barry Soetoro” and designated a Muslim. Obama has released no school records from the United States, where he allegedly began and ended his education.

    Businessman Donald Trump, who had publicly urged the White House to prove that Obama was eligible to hold the office of president in accordance with Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution requiring that only a “natural born Citizen” occupy the office, took credit for the birth certificate image’s eventual release, stating that he and his advisers “would look at it” and that he hoped that “it checks out beautifully.”

    In a meeting with three Arizona residents, including a state representative, on April 8, 2011 in his New York office, Trump had predicted that the White House would release a birth certificate forgery as related to The Post & Email by meeting attendee Jeff Lichter last year.

    Obama’s wife Michelle told an audience in 2008 that her husband’s “home country” was Kenya. Similarly, members of the Kenyan Parliament claimed in a 2010 assembly that Obama was born in their country.

    MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews and The Hawaii Advertiser’s Will Hoover had reported that Obama was born in Indonesia.

    In an August 2010 interview with Obama, now-discredited former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams made the declarative statement, “You’re an American born Christian.” However, from 1991 to 2007, Obama’s official biography published by his then-literary agent stated that he was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii,” a statement the agent explained, when confronted in 2012, was the result of a “fact checking error.”

    Obama himself mentioned his “Muslim faith” in a 2008 interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, who quickly “corrected” Obama to say, “my Christian faith.”

    Obama’s “Christian” faith has been questioned in the wake of a myriad of statements and actions which appear to show an affinity, if not sympathy, toward Islam in general and a denial of the barbarity of Islamic terrorist groups such as ISIS, which seeks to establish an Islamic caliphate.

    Following the release of the long-form birth certificate image on April 27, 2011, a group of Tea Party members who were also Arpaio’s constituents approached Arpaio with a request to investigate the image’s authenticity to protect the sanctity of their votes in the upcoming presidential election, to which Arpaio referred in his recent interview with Miller. Arpaio agreed and commissioned his Cold Case Posse, which, like the numerous other posses associated with his office, works at no cost to taxpayers.

    After three days of testing, to their surprise, the posse members found that the image could not have originated with a paper document. Further investigation led them to conclude its status as a “computer-generated forgery.”

    The posse’s findings were made public for the first time on March 1, 2012, during a formal press conference in Maricopa County. At the same time, Zullo and Arpaio revealed that the posse had also investigated Obama’s purported Selective Service registration form and found it to be fraudulent.

    The media failed to launch its own probe and did not make the investigation’s results widely known.

    On July 17, 2012, a second presser was held in which Arpaio and Zullo stated that the standard of probable cause had been surpassed concerning the forgery of Obama’s long-form birth certificate.

    In an interview in May 2013, Zullo told The Post & Email that the birth certificate image was created “with the intent to deceive.”

    Shortly before the 2012 election, Trump offered Obama $5,000,000 for the charity of his choice if he would release his college and passport application forms. After his offer was ignored, Trump increased the amount to $50 million but obtained the same non-response from the White House.

    - © 2015, The Post & Email. All rights reserved. Source link.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-26-2015, 03:38 PM.
    B. Steadman