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Homeland Forgery: Mooers Letter To Obama A.K.A. Soetoro; Surrender To Sergeant-At-Arm

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  • Homeland Forgery: Mooers Letter To Obama A.K.A. Soetoro; Surrender To Sergeant-At-Arm

    Homeland Forgery: Mooers Letter To Obama A.K.A. Soetoro; Surrender To Sergeant-At-Arms

    Birther Report



    The following letter was submitted to and various so-called news media outlets;

    My letter to Barry Soetoro-Barack Obama as successfully posted on MAY 3, 2015 under the subject of "Homeland Security":

    Barry Soetoro-Barack Obama

    The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Every American citizen has an inalienable right, a need and a duty to know the full identification and life history of any presidential candidate and any incumbent president, for this person may become the keeper of the keys to America’s nuclear arsenal et al. You have wrongly hidden your full identity and full actual life history from some 318,000,000 American citizens since 2008; you lied on your Illinois attorney’s application that you never had a former name of Soetoro or Barry Soetoro; your birth certificate posted on on April 27, 2011 has been thoroughly investigated by American law enforcement professionals and found to be a multi-layered copy-paste computer-generated forgery; and your actions over the past six years indicate to all world observers that you only intend to pretend to be an American president so as to leave behind your harmful and humiliating legacy of lunacy, lies and lawlessness of a so-called presidency that can only yield (1) all your directives in office, (2) all votes cast for you in the 2008 and 2012 general elections and (3) all Congressional lawmaking and funding with you from January 21, 2009 to the present time as being Constitutionally NULL AND VOID. Therefore, as a 66-year old natural-born Citizen of legally married natural-born American Citizen parents, whose ancestors migrated to America in 1638, I demand, on behalf of the security of our noble Republic, its citizens and its sacred paid-for-in-blood US Constitution, that you, Barry Soetoro-Barack Obama, immediately cease all pretentious activities in the White House et al, and surrender yourself over to Paul Irving, US House Sergeant-at-Arms, for incarceration and subsequent prosecution for crimes against America, specifically, and crimes against humanity, in general. All that I have stated herein has never in human history been easier to substantiate by mere fingertip access to the world’s living e-library and e-court, the Internet.

    Jonathan David Mooers,
    PE (MA, ME, NH, NY, RI),
    Fellow and Life Member- American Society of Civil Engineers,
    MBA, LT (Ret.) US Army Corps of Engineers,
    Grandparent, natural-born American Citizen
    MAY 3, 2015
    Naples, FL


    Youtuber Gabe Zolna:
    A True American Patriot, Speaks Out!

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman