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Report: Washington Post Writer Responds To Obama Forgeries; Is It A Media Conspiracy?

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  • Report: Washington Post Writer Responds To Obama Forgeries; Is It A Media Conspiracy?

    Report: Washington Post Writer Responds To Obama Forgeries; Is It A Media Conspiracy?

    Birther Report



    Washington Post Writer Responds to The Post & Email on Obama Forgeries…Sort-Of
    by Sharon Rondeau

    — In a tweet on Monday, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke said that in an article about him at The Washington Post, the writer fulfilled the role of a “propaganda wing of lib politics,” taking his tweets about the murder of two Mississippi police officers on Saturday out of context in regard to Barack Hussein Obama.

    In his article, Post writer Peter Holley described Obama as “a fifth culprit on the loose,” apparently from Clarke’s viewpoint. Holley then wrote:

    Suspect description: African American, slender build, salt-and pepper-hair, last seen wearing a blue power tie and sounding professorial.

    His alias: President Barack Obama.

    The two murdered officers worked for the Hattiesburg Police Department and were gunned down as they conducted a traffic stop. One was black and one was white; thus far, all of those taken into custody as suspects are black.

    Within Clarke’s Twitter feed is a link to a Washington Times article which reported that in statistics released by the FBI, “The number of law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty over the past year has nearly doubled – with most of them dying after they were shot by gun-carrying criminals.”

    The deaths of the two Hattiesburg policemen come in the wake of the murder of New York City police officer Brian Moore, 25, last week. Moore was white and the suspect black.

    Just before Christmas, NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were killed in cold blood as they sat in their patrol car on a Saturday afternoon in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. Their murderer, who killed himself afterward, was a member of the Black Guerrilla Family, which issued further threats against NYPD officers in two precincts following the killings.

    In his tweets, Clarke did not accuse Obama of direct involvement in any murders, but rather, of having “created a pathway for the cop hating rhetoric to flourish. He has led the chorus.”

    Following the killing of a black, unarmed but uncooperative teenager, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, MO last summer by Officer Darren Wilson, who is white, the Department of Justice launched a probe into the police department and whether or not Wilson’s actions deprived Brown of his civil rights. The DOJ closed its investigation without filing any charges.

    Wilson was forced to resign his position and his whereabouts or ability to make a living for his wife and infant are unknown.

    Since 2007, when Obama announced he would run for president, the mainstream media has failed to ask tough questions or investigate Obama’s background. His medical, school, college, and Senate voting records were all obscured from the public as he sought the highest office in the land and reportedly won it twice.

    Since Holley posted his email address at the bottom of the article, The Post & Email contacted him:

    From: Sharon Rondeau
    Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 4:45 PM
    To: Holley, Peter

    As a journalist, you are misleading your readership when you say that Obama is a “fifth culprit,” intimating “suspect,” “on the loose.”

    Clarke did not say that Obama is a murderer or a direct accomplice to those who killed the two Mississippi police officers; rather, he said that Obama’s policies have contributed to a culture of violence and political-correctness in which police are becoming less and less able to defend themselves against assailants.

    Regarding criminality, however, why are you not reporting on the forgeries of Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form?[]

    The fraudulent documents could be the biggest political crime in U.S. history, but The Post and all other mainstream media outlets are silent. Why?

    Sharon Rondeau, Editor
    The Post & Email[]
    P.O. Box 195
    Stafford Springs, CT 06076
    Phone/Fax: 203-987-7948

    We then received the following response:

    Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 20:48:59 +0000

    Do you think it’s a media conspiracy? Maybe there’s a simpler explanation, such as the idea that these claims have been so thoroughly debunked so many times that they’re no longer worth entertaining. Sometimes the simplest explanation makes the most sense.

    to which we replied:

    Have you interviewed the lead investigator of the Cold Case Posse? I have, and they are 100% sure that the “documents” are forgeries.

    Through a FOIA in 2010, I received what was purported to be Obama’s SS registration form, before the investigation was launched. Since the investigators are positive of their findings, mail fraud and other types of fraud have apparently been committed.

    I appreciate your response and am writing an article based on yours to be released within a few minutes.

    The point is: have you yourself investigated the posse’s work and “debunked” it with your own hard evidence?

    I would be happy to put you in touch with Mike Zullo, lead investigator, if you choose to investigate his findings.

    Sharon Rondeau, Editor
    The Post & Email

    We did not hear back from Holley.

    (May 11, 2015) © 2015, The Post & Email. All rights reserved. Source link.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman