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Survey Says: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate Makes Very Long List Of Obama Scandals

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  • Survey Says: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate Makes Very Long List Of Obama Scandals

    Survey Says: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate Makes Very Long List Of Obama Scandals

    Birther Report



    Fake conservative, New York Times writer, David Brooks dropped a whopper of a lie on PBS NewsHour:

    President Obama has run an amazingly scandal-free administration, not only he, himself, but the people around him. He’s chosen people who have been pretty scandal-free. - David Brooks

    WND set the record straight:

    [...] a survey reveals the Obama administration, in fact, appears to have far more scandals than any other in U.S. history.

    WND counted more than three-dozen scandals, many of which are considered impeachable offenses by constitutional scholars and numerous lawmakers.
    • Obamacare
    • IRS
    • Benghazi
    • Supplying ISIS
    • Blaming the video
    • Libya
    • Veterans Administration
    • Executive orders
    • Executive amnesty
    • NSA
    • Spying on reporters
    • Fast & Furious
    • Hillary Clinton’s emails
    • Losing Iraq
    • Syria Red Line
    • Egypt
    • Muslim Brotherhood ties
    • Apology tours
    • The bow
    • Iran treaty
    • Supporting Netanyahu opposition
    • Investigating Ferguson
    • New Black Panthers
    • Secret Service
    • Solyndra
    • EPA puddles
    • Suing Arizona
    • Cap & Trade
    • Unapproved czars
    • GSA training conference
    • IRS parties
    • Biden harasses reporters
    • Birth certificate
    • DOMA
    • Extortion 17
    • HSBC / Lynch
    • Miriam Carey


    [...] More @ WND.

    And people wonder why the news media approval ratings are in the crapper?

    Speaking of approval ratings ,,,

    CNN: President Bush Now More Popular Than Resident Obama

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman