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Lord Monckton: Congress Allowed Commie Obama, With A Forged Birth Certificate, Remain

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  • Lord Monckton: Congress Allowed Commie Obama, With A Forged Birth Certificate, Remain

    Lord Monckton: Congress Allowed Commie Obama, With A Forged Birth Certificate, Remain In Office

    Birther Report



    Lord Monckton: Congress Has Allowed Communist Obama, With An Obviously Forged Birth Certificate, Remain In Office

    Lord Christopher Monckton published a piece at WND slamming Congress for allowing Obama to get away with his lawless actions including Obama's obviously forged birth certificate currently sitting on the White House website.

    Excerpt via WND:

    In two decisions this week, on the health-care train-wreck and on so-called “gay” so-called “marriage,” the Supreme Clots of the United States have at last openly overthrown the Constitution that their oath of office required them to protect and to defend.

    The Constitution your Founding Fathers took such trouble to draft is no longer even on life support. They intended it to endure, but now it is as dead as they.

    All three branches of government – the legislature, the executive and the judiciary – are in the fluttering hands of pygmies utterly unworthy to maintain, let alone to advance, the noble vision of those great men who brought the United States into being.

    Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution says, in the bluntest and plainest of terms, “All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” Period.

    Yet the elected Congress has been so preeningly idle, so self-indulgently passive, that it has allowed a communist with an obviously forged birth certificate brazenly displayed on the official website of the White House not only to remain in office unimpeached despite his continued perpetration – even if only as an accessory – of a manifest forgery, but also to flout Article 1, Section 1 by making new law on his own. [...] WND. -

    At least someone at WND still tells it like it is when it comes to Obama's felony identity document fraud.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman