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Report: Obama Meets With Kenyan Relative Who Reportedly Said Obama Was Born In Kenya

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  • Report: Obama Meets With Kenyan Relative Who Reportedly Said Obama Was Born In Kenya

    Report: Obama Meets With Kenyan Relative Who Reportedly Said Obama Was Born In Kenya

    Birther Report



    Obama Meets with Kenyan Relative Who Reportedly Said He was Born There
    by Sharon Rondeau

    (Jul. 24, 2015) — At 3:52 p.m. EDT, Fox News reporter Julie Banderas reported that Barack Hussein Obama had landed in Nairobi, Kenya for his planned visit to attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, the first to that country by a sitting U.S. president.

    Obama will also spend time in Ethiopia before returning to the U.S.

    Banderas momentarily turned over the broadcast to a Fox News reporter on site in Kenya, who stated that Obama had met with his step-grandmother, who is known as “Mama Sarah Obama.”

    In 2008, then-Atty. Philip Berg reported that Sarah Obama had said that she had personally witnessed Obama’s birth in Kenya. According to Berg’s website, “When asked, Barack H. Obama, Jr., et al claims he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii however, claims to have been born in two (2) separate hospitals. According to Barack H. Obama’s Kenyan grandmother, Barack, Jr. was born in Mombosa, Kenya and she was present during his birth. The Kenyan Government, claim they have the birthing records of Barack H. Obama, Jr. and the birth delivery records of Ann Obama, from Barack H. Obama, Jr.’s birth in Mombosa, Kenya, however, they have sealed the birth records of Barack H. Obama, et al, birth in Mombosa, Kenya and labled them top secret as a result of the presidential election.”

    Berg is author of “Obama Scare” and believes that Obama’s birth name was “Barry Soetoro.” CNN reported that Obama’s Kenyan relatives call him “Barry.” On Friday, Kenyans are recognizing Obama’s “Kenyan roots.”

    Although some media have also reported that Obama was born in Kenya, current reports state that Kenya is his “father’s homeland.” Yahoo! News reported that “Many Kenyans view the trip as a kind of homecoming for the US President, who plans to spend time with family.”

    On Thursday, NPR wrote that “This time Obama’s trip will almost certainly be less a revisiting of his roots, than an official visit by a state leader. He will attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, be honored at a state dinner and hold a joint news conference with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.”

    TIME was careful to clarify that the younger Obama “was born in Hawaii” while calling Kenya his “ancestral homeland” and identifying Kenya as his father’s birthplace. The Guardian described Obama’s trip to Kenya as “a homecoming.”

    Until very recently, the mainstream media failed to report that Obama’s only “proof” of his claimed birth in Hawaii, a long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website more than four years ago, was found to be fraudulent by a law enforcement investigation. On Thursday, CNN interviewed Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, who designated his Cold Case Posse in September 2011 to examine the image to verify or disprove its authenticity. Two formal press conferences in 2012 followed, during which Arpaio and lead investigator Mike Zullo declared the image to be a “computer-generated forgery.”

    Zullo has stated that “gut-wrenching” information has since been discovered and a sophisticated level of deceit employed against the American people relating to Obama.

    Obama’s claimed father, also named Barack Hussein Obama, was never a U.S. citizen, which many Americans claim disqualifies Obama from serving as U.S. president by virtue of the “natural born Citizen” requirement of Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

    Mama Sarah is reportedly the recipient of an honorary doctorate degree from The Great Lakes University of Kisumu and has worked to improve the lives of Kenya’s poor.

    According to Obama, his father herded goats in Kenya before securing funding to study at the University of Hawaii beginning in 1959, where he reportedly met Obama’s claimed mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.

    Obama’s wife, Michelle, has called Kenya her husband’s “home country.” Several media reports have agreed with her, while some have reported that Obama was born in Indonesia.

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