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Muslim Obama’s White House Infested With Terrorist Spies! -- National Enquirer

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  • Muslim Obama’s White House Infested With Terrorist Spies! -- National Enquirer

    Muslim Obama’s White House Infested With Terrorist Spies!

    National Enquirer

    National Enquirer Staff


    President Barack Obama is a secret follower of Islam and has sold out America by placing sinister double agents in his Cabinet and allowing terrorist spies to infiltrate the White House!

    Those chilling charges were leveled against the nation’s commander-in-chief by powerful political insiders and top military officials who fear Obama’s Muslim faith turned him into a traitor!

    A top-secret investigation by Homeland Security and the Central Intelligence Agency concluded that up to five key White House staffers hired by Obama are in direct communication with ISIS operatives and report America’s key military Middle East strategies to their terrorist handlers.

    “This is the worst security breach in the history of the United States,” blasted a Washington insider. “Bloodthirsty ISIS knows Obama’s every move.”

    As a result, thousands of American lives are at risk — and NO ONE close to the president can be trusted until the entire cabal is rooted out, said sources.

    Retired U.S. Admiral James A. Lyons Jr., a four-star Navy legend, revealed Muslim terrorist moles are now INSIDE the U.S.’s top spy and security agencies — and are leaking our military’s top-secret plans to fight ISIS and defend our country.

    “We’ve got a hell of a job ahead of us with the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies,” Lyons said.

    The admiral also accused Obama of playing footsie with Islamic terrorists, charging the president is “anti-American, anti-Western … pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian and pro-Muslim Brotherhood.”

    Meanwhile, another Washington insider charged members of the president’s Cabinet also have ties to Islamic terrorists!

    Incredibly, the insider said Obama KNOWS about it — but “has done nothing to stop it and keeps these traitors on the payroll.”

    In early November, following an exhaustive six-month probe, government counter-intelligence experts met alone with Obama in the Oval Office “for just over an hour and laid out their evidence to him,” a stunned insider revealed.

    “Their damning proof included copies of emails, computer and phone records, photographs and, in at least one case, video obtained during covert surveillance.

    “They had three staffers nailed beyond any shadow of a doubt and they wanted these individuals terminated from the White House staff and prosecuted immediately.

    “There were two others, where evidence points to them as ISIS followers, but without rock-solid proof. They recommended these two be terminated, as well.

    “Obama asked three mundane questions during the session and sat expressionless. As the meeting finished, he shook each agent’s hand and just said: ‘Thank you for your time.’”

    Just 48 hours later, the mole hunters were stunned to learn their “probe into these individuals was ordered to halt,” said the insider.

    The decision to squash the investigation into suspected White House spies wouldn’t be a surprise to Admiral Lyons. He insisted Obama is sending signals to our allies that he sympathizes with ISIS and other Islamic terrorists.

    One clear sign was Obama’s failure to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other world leaders in Paris following the terrorist attack that killed 12 people at the French magazine “Charlie Hebdo” in January. And he did nothing after the Paris bloodbath in November.

    “It was a signal to the Islamic jihadists,” said Lyons. “It’s one of many signals he’s sent over the years while he’s in office.

    “The Muslim world seems to take that absence as another subtle message that Obama stood with the Islamic jihadists.”

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    View the complete article, including image, at:
    B. Steadman