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Pizzagate Day +1 / Preparing for What's Next -- VOAT, Blacksmith21

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  • Pizzagate Day +1 / Preparing for What's Next -- VOAT, Blacksmith21

    Pizzagate Day +1 / Preparing for What's Next


    Submitted by 'Blacksmith21'


    The relevance of this thread to Pizzagate is to discuss how the investigation will continue after arrests start happening. Here are some thoughts. Hopefully, this discussion will help better prepare us on how to continue forward once elite pedos start getting rounded up.

    I'm making (a lot) assumptions here that most/all of the primary suspects (HRC, WJC, TP, JP, JA, CS etc.) will be arrested on corruption, human trafficking, and other heinous charges. I wouldn't hold your breath for murder unless there are snuff films on Weiner's computer with identifiable suspects.

    If/when the hard left/MSM/NWO goes bananas, which I think they will, we may see a lot of things happen:
    • Attack us and Voat directly. Anyone associated with Pizzagate, especially here on this sub, may become targeted online and/or in real life. Be prepared - maintain good OPSEC; archive and backup research; don't let your guard down; be careful (Alefantis Freaks Out:
    • The MSM is going to pretend nothing is happening at first, then they will do a massive, and I mean MASSIVE, disinformation game. I would expect to see all sorts of false flags, fake news, and wild accusatory stories not pertaining to Pizzagate. As it stands right now watching Fox vs. CNN/MSNBC/etc. is like watching alternate reality (;
    • Retribution against conservatives, or those vocal about Pizzagate will become more common. Be prepared for this, as I have seen it happen. If you work with lefties/liberals, be very careful about engaging in even an innocuous water cooler conversation about this topic. Mark my word - they will go after you if you are vociferous. Stay on the DL for a while. (The Psyop War is Coming:;;)
    • Be prepared for full on freakouts from the left. Especially in person, from family and coworkers. While most may be laughable, some may be far more violent. Stay alert and look for warning signs. (Liberal freakout:;;)
    • Suicide/Depression - I'm going out on a limb here, but it won't surprise me one bit to see "mini-Jonestown" suicides occur (Google "koolaid jonestown" if you don't know what I'm talking about). With regards to depression, neither right or left have the market cornered, but I do believe it is more prevalent in those on the left (this is what happens when emotions rule your thought process). If what happens the way I think it will, there are going to be people who have no coping skills and cannot wrap their heads around what is actually Pizzagate. If this is someone close, provide moral support for those with hope. If it is a lefty, just give them a throwaway .38 (just kidding). Seriously though, this may be a serious issue, especially if my suspicions regarding mass MK-type programming through media are true. (Suicide on the Left:;;)
    • The last gasp to hang on by the left may come in the form of well-funded, persistent civil unrest. Obviously this presents quite a problem if you have to go in and out of the city for work. Or, if you are in a highly suburban area - i.e. Ferguson. There certainly isn't much one can do to avoid this, but be prepared to protect and take care of family and self. If you are in an area which may be subject to civil unrest, or random violence: stock water, food, cash, batteries, fire extinguishers, medical, etc. I'm not getting into a prepping lesson here - most are smart enough to figure it out. And I'll leave the topic of self-defense for another day. (Soros the Puppetmaster:;;)

    Well kids, de Vos (Sister Blackwater) is in. Sessions is next. I hope you have your popcorn ready. (De Vos' Brother:

    Edit 1: Citations added

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    B. Steadman