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Amendment 12 and January 9, 2013: The Last Line of Defense -- Dr. Kate's View

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  • Amendment 12 and January 9, 2013: The Last Line of Defense -- Dr. Kate's View

    Amendment 12 and January 9, 2013: The Last Line of Defense

    Dr. Kate's View

    ©2012 drkate


    "Collectively, these actions, questions, investigations and research militate for and require the representatives and senators in each state where these actions have been undertaken to raise objections to the electoral college vote count on January 9, 2013."

    "This post will look far off into the future, and assumes for the moment that none of the legal and proper efforts Constitutionalists have undertaken since 2008 to have Barrack Obama Soetoro investigated and removed from office based on his lack of constitutional eligibility will have worked. We have created letter-writing campaigns, demonstrations, multiple lawsuits, ballot challenges, treason charges and trials, and citizen grand jury investigations. History will record the efforts of American patriots to fight this injustice done to our country, and the world already knows of our efforts and knows that Obama is a usurper. Obama has used tax dollars, drugs, weapons, or CIA threats to bribe Kenya, Indonesia, Pakistan, the muslim community, individual states, and so many others to keep silent about his illegality. He is a legend–in name only–and history and God will judge all of those complicit as traitorous individuals not worthy of the spit on a street corner.

    While we have been able to fully expose Obama/Soetoro and the network of criminals inside and outside of government who have enabled this usurpation, our efforts to have action taken on behalf of our Country and American citizens have been thwarted by the media, the judiciary, the Congress, law enforcement, the military, and the legion of insaneobots paid to harass Americans. Assuming Obama and the democrats/republicans, in concert with the media will rig the 2012 presidential election and put Obama in the office again, our last line of defense will be the counting and certification of the electoral college votes by a joint session of Congress on January 9, 2013."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman