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Open Letter to Joe Biden -- Dr. Kate's View

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  • Open Letter to Joe Biden -- Dr. Kate's View

    Open Letter to Joe Biden

    Dr. Kate's View

    ©2012 drkate


    Ever wonder who the real president of the United States is right now? Technically, its Joe Biden.

    Open Letter to President Joe Biden:

    Dear President Biden:

    As you are undoubtedly aware by now, Mr. Obama is not constitutionally eligible to hold the presidency. This makes you the current legal president of the United States and Mr. Obama an unlawful occupant of your office. Since no one has officially acknowledged this I will be the first to congratulate you, and probably the first to offer condolences for the lack of recognition of this fact.

    Since you are operating as Vice President, you are simultaneously the President of the Senate. In that role you have a number of awesome responsibilities, including the certification and counting of the Electoral College vote on January 9, 2013. That task requires, historically and under Amendment Twelve, the certification that the president/vice president-elect meet the constitutional qualifications of the office.

    You have always had it within your power to redress the situation of Congress’ failure to certify Mr. Obama’s constitutional qualifications. Under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, you are able to recommend, with the majority of the cabinet, the removal of the President for a ‘disability‘ that makes him unable to fulfill the obligations of the office. As an officer of the United States, you should also know about Title 18 and the misprision of treason and felony statutes requiring the disclosure of activity that would be considered a crime under the laws of the United States.

    During that day of January 2013, a number of objections to the certification of Barack Obama, if he is re-elected, are likely from several states, and will include representatives and senators. It is your constitutional duty to call for and hear those objections and ascertain the next steps.

    In 2009, your predecessor VP Dick Cheney refused to call for or hear any objections. Speaker Pelosi ignored the requirement to certify constitutional eligibility contained in Amendment Twelve.

    However, unlike 2009, in 2013 millions of Americans are aware of the duty you have as President of the Senate, and as a sworn constitutional officer of the United States. We will be watching and witnessing your actions that significant day when your legacy, honor, office, and integrity will all be on the line.

    Will history disdainfully conclude that you conspired to overthrow the United States by allowing and working with a constitutionally ineligible foreigner to usurp the office of the President? Or will history glorify your action and integrity as the man who saved the Presidency?

    Honor America, Mr. President.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman