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Citizenship Questions Toxic to Obama -- h2ooflife

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  • Citizenship Questions Toxic to Obama -- h2ooflife

    Citizenship Questions Toxic to Obama


    a.r. nash

    Thanks to 'Give Us Liberty' ( for the reference to the article.


    "Anyone who runs for the office of the President of the United States should be able to answer a few simple citizenship questions, especially if they are more able to answer them than nearly all other Americans because they qualified to be a university lecturer on constitutional law.

    But Mr. Barack Obama can’t and won’t answer them because the answers destroy any illusion that he is truly constitutionally qualified to be the President. Obama knows full well that he is required to be a “natural born citizen” and he also knows full well that he is not that kind of citizen and the reason why is very apparent.
    But the minds of the American people aren’t as clear as that of the self-described “Kenyan-born” constitutional scholar Barry Obama. So a few well conceived questions for him are in order in order to dispel false certainty about the nature of his citizenship.
    The questions are the following:

    Mr. Scholar, if John McCain, born of American parents on foreign soil, is, as declared by the U.S. Senate, (including yourself as a member) a natural born American, then what are you?

    Mr. Obama, if like John McCain, you also had been born in Panama, (to an American mother and a Kenyan father), would the Senate have declared you to be a natural born American as it did in the case of John McCain?

    Mr. Dunham, if you had been born in the United States, but your mother was the Kenyan wife of your father, would you not be a natural born Kenyan by the same principle of patrilineal descent that made John McCain a natural born American?

    Mr. Soetoro, is it possible to be a natural citizen of more than one nation? If one had parents, both of which were dual citizens with parentage in four different nations, would one nevertheless be a natural citizen of four different nations?

    Mr. Obama, if you had been born in Kenya to American parents, would you not have been a natural American citizen just like John McCain?

    Mr. Citizen of Hawaii, if you were born in a Hawaiian hospital, why will no hospital in Hawaii claim bragging rights to you?

    Mr. Constitutional Scholar, if one of the twin daughters of President George W. Bush has been born on the American side of that house situated directly on top of the U.S.-Canadian border, but her twin sister had been born across the room on the Canadian side, would that sister (though having a father and grandfather who served as U.S. Presidents) be ineligible to be President? Or would they both be eligible because they were Americans by birth? And what principle do you think the authors of the U.S. Constitution intended when they used the word “natural” in the term “natural born citizen”, -geographical location? or blood-connection natural inheritance?

    Mr. Commander-in-Chief, If the pregnant wife of George Armstrong Custer had accompanied him and the Seventh Cavalry to Sioux Territory, and delivered George Custer Jr. on the Sioux land, would his son be considered a natural born Sioux warrior? Would he be eligible to one day be the Chief of the Sioux nation?

    Mr. Unvetted Candidate Obama, If one’s citizenship does not exist without the intervention of passed laws or an amendment to the Constitution, how exactly could such citizenship be considered natural when it’s dependent upon human law and not natural law?

    Mr. World Citizen, Is it possible for a natural born citizen of a foreign nation to father a child that is a natural born citizen of another nation?

    Mr. Women’s Advocate, If you were born one century earlier, during the period of the Nationality Act of 1907 by which your mother would have lost her U.S. citizenship by marrying a foreigner, with your mother being a British citizen only, as well as yourself, how then could you be considered to be a natural American citizen today since the nature of natural citizenship is not dependent on nor alterable by human law?

    Mr. “Native-Born Citizen”, If one is part and parcel of their parents, sharing in their name, status, and nationality, then can one’s “native land”, somehow be a foreign country, -one other than their parents’ country? Are they a “natural” member of a society which is foreign to their parents, or are they a natural member of only their parents’ society and nation? Can they be a natural native member of a group/tribe/society/nation in which their parents are outsiders?

    Mr. “Kenyan born” “foreign student”, Can someone with dual nationality, dual allegiance, dual attachment to two nations be viewed as a natural member of either nation?"


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman