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THE OBAMA SCENARIOS Understanding Citizenship via a plethora of hypotheticals

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  • THE OBAMA SCENARIOS Understanding Citizenship via a plethora of hypotheticals


    Understanding Citizenship via a plethora of hypotheticals


    a.r. nash

    Thanks to Give Us Liberty ( for the reference to the article.


    "We live in an age of widespread, almost universal ignorance about the facts regarding American citizenship. That has never mattered before because never before has there been a half-foreign national who was a fraction of a fraction or a fraction of a segment of the population whom the American electorate voted into the office of the Commander-in-Chief of all the forces of the American government.

    I speak of one Bair´ak Dunham-Soetoro Obama. (I digress somewhat by indicating the correct pronunciation of his first name, which he altered from that of his name-sake, namely the father after whom he was named. If we place the accent incorrectly on the last syllable as he’s chosen to do, then it would be correctly pronounced ba-rack´, -not ba-rock´.)

    The reason it continues to matter is because he continues to be President and running for re-election. So it is extremely important to ascertain whether or not he is even entitled to be the President according to the Constitution.
    It states that “No person except a natural born citizen…shall be eligible to the office of the President,” so it is of immense importance to know by what basis he could be (or should not be) considered to be a natural born American citizen.

    Barack, knowing a little something about the Constitution, knows full well that he is not such a citizen, but he also knows full well that few others are aware of that fact, -the ones that are aware don’t care or are afraid to rat-out the first non-white to be elected, or they don’t care because most people in government violate the Constitution on a regular basis.

    But for those who do care about fidelity to our foundational charter, I offer a plethora of hypothetical scenarios which will illuminate the subject like never before.
    The place to start is in the beginning, but first I’ll lay out the large number of factors that go into the equation of what determines U.S. citizenship. Those factors have changed over time, but have roots in fundamental principles which have been forgotten.

    The Factors That Determine U.S. Citizenship

    A The Era in which one is born
    B The Nationality of the father
    C The Nationality of the mother
    D The Gender of a foreign parent.
    E The Race of the parents
    F The Age of the parents
    G The location of birth
    H Marital status of parents
    I The current interpretation of the Law
    J The principle of natural group membership

    Applied in conjunction, these factors can result in a large assortment of possibilities. By framing various scenarios as circumstances affecting a hypothetical Barack Obama we will learn much about the simplicity, and complexity, of American citizenship.

    Let’s begin before the beginning.

    Scenario # 1.

    In Colonial America, a British subject father was a foreigner. The British were our brethren in most ways, but they were not us. They lived directly under the rule of English law, while Americans didn’t because America was not a part of England and, as a foreign territory, was not protected by its laws. America was essentially the foreign private property of the King of England. We were not British and the British were not Americans, so Obama senior’s son would have been the son of a foreigner. Consequently he would not have been recognized as being an America, except in a colony such as Virginia, which, as a state, recognized children of foreigners as being Virginians, -born “sons of the soil” rather than natural native sons (sons of native blood).
    Result: Obama Jr. is not an American.

    Scenario # 2.

    Circa 1790-1940? Obama is born in the U.S. to an American mother and British subject father. What is his nationality? British, because the citizenship of a family was determined by that of its head. The citizenship of a daughter was that of her father. That never changed until she joined herself for life to a foreign subject, was given to him by her father, became his wife and subordinate, assuming his name and his nationality. The issue of dual-citizenship entered the picture. Their children derived their citizenship from the man of the house and from him alone, -not their mother.
    Result? Obama Jr. is not an American.

    Scenario # 3.

    Circa 1790–1795 Obama Jr. was born in Hawaii but his father was not a foreigner. He was instead a naturalized American. Since Hawaii at that time was a sovereign country under the rule of a monarch, the Naturalization Act of 1790 impacted the citizenship of the child because it recognized, promoted and enforced the principle of natural group membership. By it, an omission in the Constitution which left the nationality of Americans born abroad open to guesswork, was resolved by it mandating that they be recognized as “natural born citizens”, meaning citizens by birth, and not citizens by naturalization law.
    No natural American citizen is dependent on naturalization law for their citizenship because it is natural citizenship, not legislated citizenship. It is not granted by law but is a consequence of natural membership. One doesn’t need a law to make them that which they are by birth.
    Result: Obama Jr. is a natural born American citizen and is constitutionally qualified to be President."


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-24-2012, 04:20 PM.
    B. Steadman