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Obama: An Adopted Citizen & Illegitimate President Pt.1 -- h2ooflife, a.r.nash

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  • Obama: An Adopted Citizen & Illegitimate President Pt.1 -- h2ooflife, a.r.nash

    Obama: An Adopted Citizen & Illegitimate President Pt.1




    "Most children are born as natural members of their family.
    Some are not, but become members by legal adoption.
    Most citizens are born as natural members of their nation.
    Some are not, but become members by legal adoption."

    "Their adoption is via naturalization law, and effected by the procedures required by that law. Some alien-conceived members of the nation, by being born within the nation, are legally recognized as members immediately upon birth. But they are not natural members of the nation because they were not born of its members but of outsiders. They must not be conflated with the other 96%+/- of children born in America to members of the American family. They were not adopted. They are known as “natural born citizens” and labeled such by the U.S. government.

    If foreign parents are legal members of American society then children born to them obtain that which they do not possess and have no natural right to possess. Thanks to the naturalizing authority of the 14th Amendment, they obtain membership via automatic national adoption, -being naturalized at birth rather than later in life (as their parents may seek).

    The two forms of membership from the beginning of life are essentially identical, but with one infinitesimal difference. Like children born of surrogates, the children of immigrants aren’t natural members of the American national family but are automatically adopted from the day they are born.

    They are labeled by the government as the “native-born” citizens because it is unacceptable to label then as they were labeled in England, which was “alien-born subjects”. Calling new American citizens “alien-born citizens” would carry a negative connotation that would be undesirable.

    The “native-born” are the ones granted citizenship via the 14th Amendment because their parents are legal, State Department-sanctioned permanent-resident immigrants and they themselves were born in the United States. They are not natural born citizens but they are naturalized constitutional citizens and equal to natural citizens in every way under the sun,…except one.

    It involves an office held by only one in 315 million people. That office is the office of President of the United States and wields the power of the Commander-in-Chief. Only a “natural born citizen” may hold that office and position. Constitutional native-born citizens may not because they are Americans by adoption, and not by nature. They are not full-blood members of the American family. They are half-blood brothers whose foreign father, with a foreign nationality, render them ineligible to be the American President.

    BarŽack Hussein Soetoro-Obama Jr. is neither a natural American nor one of those adopted constitutional citizens because his citizenship was not bestowed by the 14th Amendment He does not qualify for citizenship by it since it was not written to apply to children through their mother, but only through their father (as it had been since the founding of the nation).


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman