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The List of Obama Facts (vs Obama Falsehoods) -- h2ooflife, a.r.nash

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  • The List of Obama Facts (vs Obama Falsehoods) -- h2ooflife, a.r.nash

    The List of Obama Facts (vs Obama Falsehoods)




    "July 4th, 2011. The facts of the current situation regarding Obama’s pdf image of a Certificate of Live Birth and presidential eligibility distill down to these:

    1. Barack Obama, knowing in advance the Constitutional requirements for the office of the President, ran for and won the election for President, -knowing full well that he was not eligible for the office.
    2. His eligibility for that office has never been established by any Constitutionally assigned authority, nor by the Supreme Court, nor by Congress. The State of Hawaii declined to certify that Obama was Constitutionally qualified to be President.
    3. The Constitution requires of a President: (with the wording rearranged) “NO person shall be eligible to the office of the President EXCEPT…a natural born citizen.”
    4. A natural born citizen, while never defined in law, is defined as one born as a U.S. citizen by virtue of birth to citizen parents.
    5. Barack Obama only fulfills half of that requirement since his father was not an American.
    6. Obama is President, not Constitutionally, but officially, having been the winner of the election, and having been sworn in by the Chief Judas of the Supreme Court, and passively accepted by Congress. Unconstitutionally serving as President is not a crime since there is no law covering the election of one who does not meet the description of what a naturual born citizen is.
    7. While Obama is not illegally serving as President, his attempts to deflate suspicions about where he was actually born led him to release two digital images on the internet that are representations of official Hawaiian documents.
    8. Simulations of official government documents is legally known by the term “forgery”. It’s a criminal offense to create and present publicly an illegitimate counterfeit of an official identity document or vital record for purposes of fraud.
    9. Images of digital imitations of official government identity documents are not released by state governments since they cannot be signed nor stamped nor physically inspected to ascertain their authenticity.
    10. The digital image of a Certificate of Live Birth released by the White House is a demonstrable fake, and has not been, and cannot be certified to be an official Hawaiian government creation since it’s nothing more than an image, -a counterfeir image concocted by an unknown person on behalf of President Obama but with his only connection to it being through his lawyers, thus providing him attorney-client secrecy and plausible deniability. It is not a legal creation of the Hawaiian government.
    11. Obama has not released a photo or scan of a real Certificate of Live Birth (which is normally created at the time of ones birth) even though he should possess the one which he would have inherited from his mother -used to obtain a U.S. passport for traveling to Indonesia, which may be the same one that he has used all of his adult life for various forms of proof of identity.
    12. A sitting President has resorted to facilitating the creation and release of a counterfeit birth certificate image, thereby committing a fraud against the American public for the purpose of preventing the release of his real birth document. No Hawaiian official has certified that what his archived original 1961 birth record reveals is presented in the White House birth certificate pdf image.

    So we have a legal President who commited no crime in running and winning office, even though he was not Constitutionally eligible, who resorted to deceptive and illegal means to shore-up his legitimacy in the face of widespread suspicion regarding his place of birth. In presenting online to the public a birth certificate image, he quieted the suspicions and now all national entities, governments, courts, and the media have swallowed his misrepresentations hook, line, and sinker.

    No one can say that the information contained in his pdf birth document image is false except those in Hawaii who have seen whatever it is that is in their archives. But they are not talking because they support Obama completely, and are barred from revealing information of personal records. It has been reported that they searched high and low for Obama’s original Certificate of Live Birth but were unable to find one, and neither has any hospital. That would be a logical reason to resort to creating a computer-manufactured fake."


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    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-11-2012, 05:19 PM.
    B. Steadman