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Editorial: The Obama CPGH-BC Truth Bite!

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  • Editorial: The Obama CPGH-BC Truth Bite!

    Editorial: The Obama CPGH-BC Truth Bite!

    Most people are familiar with the term 'sound bite'. Wikipedia defines the term as "... a short clip of speech or music extracted from a longer piece of audio. It is often used to promote or exemplify the full length piece." TV news and political speeches, for examples, rely heavily on sound bites to help deliver a wide variety of intended messages to the busy, unfocused, apathetic and often preoccupied American public.

    The topic of this presentation concerns the related but far less discussed term, 'truth bite'. I believe the 'Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate' is an excellent example of a very useful 'truth bite'. As such, it can help deliver an important message concerning Barack Hussein Obama II, illegal president, to that same "busy, unfocused, and often preoccupied American public" mentioned above.

    -- Using a 'bite', as in 'eating a bite', analogy, consider my following rough classifications describing some of the main ways in which the BHO-II problem is currently being addressed by the American patriots:

    1. Barack Barry Hussein Abdullah Roman Soebarkah Soetoro Obama, Harrison J. Bounel, illegal POTUS, is a totally opaque, lying, marxist, fascist, 'Manchurian' Muslim dictator wannabe, who is working for the complete destruction of the U.S.A. We don't know who the hell he is. He has no intention of telling us the facts regarding the important events in his history and is spending millions of dollars for lawyer's fees to keep his secrets hidden. Our Congress, judiciary, military and MSM are covering for him and refusing to address the issue.

    Obama was born in either Hawaii, Kenya, New Guinea, Canada or some other as yet identified location. His bio-father was either BHO Sr., Frank Marshall Davis, Malcolm X, or maybe even Stanley Armour Dunham (Gramps). His mother? -- Maybe Ann Dunham, as listed on his Hawaiian BC, or perhaps Jo Ann Newman, Valerie Sarruf, Anna S. Toot, a whore from the Philippines, or some unnamed black floozy in Hawaii.

    This is all so totally complex and confusing! Give up! Abandon all hope of finding out the real identity of this CIA and Soros protected imposter! America is 'going to hell in a handbasket' and we are all freakin' doomed!

    I classify this as the unfocused 'Bizarre Truth Etcetera Smorgasbord' approach. It features 'All You Can Eat', but the meal will probably give you a severe case of indigestion. Freshly carved rare roast beef, fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, tiramisu and many other delicious offerings are displayed for your dining enjoyment. However, the table also displays such international exotics as 'roaches, fish heads, mountain oysters, and casu marzu'. Choose your food items carefully and bring along some Tums!

    2. Barack Hussein Obama II is not a 'natural born citizen' as decided by SCOTUS in 1875 'Minor v Happersett' in that his father, BHO Sr. was not an American citizen at the time of BHO-II's birth. He is an illegal POTUS according to Article II of the US Constitution. OK, I agree, theoretically.

    However, this approach opens up a 'Pandora's Box' of discussion points, loopholes, and interpretations. Was Ann Dunham really legally married to BHO Sr. in February 1961? If not, she could be classified as a 'single mother', thus establishing different eligibility-related requirements for her son. Obama's Hawaiian LFBC, released 4/27/2011 has been declared a forgery, so we don't really even know for sure the identity of his legal father. Finally, and as frightening as this scenario may be, a possibly-compromised SCOTUS may deliberately misinterpret 1875 M v H, thereby setting a dangerous new precedent for POTUS eligibility.

    I classify this approach as a 'Formal 5-Course Fancy Truth Dinner'

    3. BHO-II posted a forged Hawaiian birth certificate on the White House website in April 2012.

    I classify this approach as a 'Tasty Truth Lunch'

    4. BHO-II fraudulently obtained and used a Connecticut SSN.

    I classify this approach as a 'Healthy Truth Snack'

    5. BHO-II did not register for Selective Service, as required, but fraudulently allowed a forgery to be published, which falsely showed that he did register.

    I also classify this approach as a 'Healthy Truth Snack'

    6. BHO-II was born August 4, 1961 at the CPGH in Mombasa, Kenya. Lucas Daniel Smith obtained a certified copy of the document directly from the birth hospital on February 19, 2009 and has posted it on his '' website for free download. BHO-II is OBVIOUSLY an imposter and illegal POTUS who must be legally removed from office ASAP.

    The Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate' is a simple, powerful, authentic, supremely incriminating tool, which can be easily used by all concerned citizens to ratchet up the pressure on Barack Obama!

    I acknowledge the fact that Obama's Kenyan BC may never be fully authenticated since it is unlikely that either the CPGH or the Kenyan government will ever confirm its authenticity due to pressure being exerted by Obama and his Kenyan supporters. Consequently, it may never be used as 'hard evidence' in court to convict Obama. Nevertheless, the document is without peer in its ability to quickly and strongly capture the attention of the American citizenry and spur the effective pursuit of a diverse number of other legal challenges to Obama's presidency!

    I am convinced that, IF Obama is going to be brought to justice, a rather large fraction of the AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO APPLY STRONG AND SUSTAINED PRESSURE ON THE PROPER AUTHORITIES TO GET THE JOB DONE! The Obama Kenyan BC can be a great help in capturing their attention and convincing them to apply this essential pressure!

    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-22-2012, 04:52 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to curse the darkness and choose not to risk burning their fingers by helping to launch the single, spectacular, sustained-luminescent ROMAN CANDLE known as the 'Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate'

    - B. Steadman, 8/6/2012, WasObamaBornInKenya/InspectorSmith Forum

    Inspiration for the above statement is gratefully acknowledged to the authors of the following two well-known quotes:

    "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

    "'Tis better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness"
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-07-2012, 12:58 PM.
    B. Steadman

